
Time For Birthdays

All birthdays are cause for celebration. However, many people feel that their 16th birthday was a true milestone to be celebrated with a big birthday bash. Perhaps one reason for this is the fact that it is a "coming of age" birthday celebration.

Many times, this is the age when girls are finally allowed to date and naturally all of the guys are trying to get their driver's license in order to ask a girl out. Of course, with more freedom comes more responsibilities, not something that many teenagers really like but they have to be accepted in order to retain their privileges.

The birthday that is one of the favorites is the 18th birthday, as it is considered the first major step towards adulthood and more freedom. Birthdays for this age are a major milestone and most believe that it should be celebrated in a major way. A huge birthday celebration with all of their friends is a favorite way to commemorate the event.

So what if many people feel that nothing tops the milestone of the 21st birthday? While it is very important and exciting when it comes to birthdays, the 50th has them all topped. Consider the fact that retirement is quite possibly coming soon, hopefully the kids will be out of the house and you will finally have the time to pursue your own interests instead of taking care of everyone else.

So, while some consider the 50th birthday to be "over the hill", perhaps it should be looked at with relish, realizing this is exactly what you have you have been working toward.

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