
Childhood Obesity And Better Nutrition

You would have to be hiding with your head in the sand not to notice the obesity epidemic in America today. In fact, obesity rates have doubled in the last twenty years, and in children the rate has tripled, according to research conducted by the American Dietetic Association.

Obesity is much more than simply a cosmetic problem. Being significantly overweight causes serious health problems, and when obesity starts in childhood, it often sets the child up for a lifetime of poor health.

Foods that are high in fat and sugar are best given as an occasional treat rather than a daily staple. It is best to educate your child on the foods that are best for them. Give them foods that will give them healthy energy benefits, such as fruits and vegetables.

By doing this, your child will learn to better appreciate the rare treats that they are given for special occasions. It will also relieve some of your worries because you will be secure in the knowledge that they are eating foods that are proper nourishment for their bodies.

A nutritious diet is a key ingredient for an active child. Healthy foods provide longer-lasting energy rather than the short spurts that sugary foods tend to give. The more playing that a child does, the more calories that child will burn. A healthy diet that is coupled with a sufficient amount of activity is important for a child to maintain a body that is physically fit.

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