
Water Supplies Are Protected By Regulations

The United States has the Environmental Protection Agency to ensure that source water is safe. You do not have to worry about contaminated water like some countries face on a daily basis.

For some areas, water supplies are not available so they must use dirty, contaminated sources of water that cause dysentery and other illnesses. These people cannot run out to the corner store to buy a bottle of water.

All water comes from the ground. The problem arises when contaminates soak through the ground and down into the source water. The contaminated water is then sent through the drinking water systems, but sometimes all contaminants are not removed.

These contaminates include waste run off from industrial businesses, human pollution and pesticides from farmlands. Even human and animal excrement will infiltrate these source waters. It is hard to fathom why some areas would pump their waste into their water supplies.

The United States has taken great pains to keep water supplies free from contaminants and pollution. Contaminated water is not a huge problem here. Occasionally, you will have a water line break and a boil order will be placed into effect, but for the most part you can walk to the faucet and get your water directly from the tap.

If you dislike the taste of tap water, then you can buy bottled water or install a water purification system in your home. Whatever way you decide to go, great water is yours.

To read more Water Supplies Are Protected By Regulations

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