
Safe Drinking Water Is Ensured By Government Regulations

The United States has one of the cleanest water supplies in the world. Why is the U.S. so special to warrant this accolade? It cannot be because the entire area is pristine and free from any toxins or soil contaminates.

It is not that there are pure source water reservoirs that guarantee that everyone has safe drinking water. No, it may be attributed to the fact that the United States has regulatory laws in place that guarantee clean and safe water.

In 1974, the SDWA or Safe Drinking Water Act, made a promise to the American public that they would not have to worry about the safety of their food and drinks. There are two parts to this regulation. The National Primary Drinking Water Regulation, NPDWR, is the first part and it simply states that there is a "legally-enforceable standard" that all drinking water must pass.

Safe drinking water is a serious issue and the SDWA is a valuable resource to have when it comes to getting the safe water that you need. If you have any questions as to the laws that govern your public water system, then you can visit the Environmental Protection Agency's website for more information on how the laws regulate water supplies.

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