
Safe Drinking Water Act Protects A Safe Water Supply

Are you aware of the laws and the agency that protects your cool glass of water? The EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency protects your water. Safe water is an absolute necessity and must be enforced by laws and regulations if we are to keep it that way.

Sure you can buy bottled water but you still need to know if the drinking water sources being pumped into your home are contaminated. The Safe Drinking Water Act helps to guarantee the purity in the water you drink.

The Safe Drinking Water Act came about in 1974 by the Environmental Protection Agency. It was enacted to make sure that drinking water is safe water for consumption and to help stop the widespread pollution of natural water resources. It is enforceable by the law and has two parts to the regulations. One is punishable by fines and sentences and the other is recommendations.

The Safe Drinking Water Act works in your favor. It regulates the quality of your water. One part is enforceable by law, while the second part offers guidelines. You can rest easy knowing that the United States has some of the toughest laws when it comes to safe water and it is safe to pour a glass straight from the tap.

To read more Safe Drinking Water Act Protects A Safe Water Supply

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