
Public Water Safety Is Regulated

Stop and think about something before you turn on the water faucet to get a drink of water. Do you know the source of your water? Is it well water or is it water provided by the city?

How much do you know about public water systems that may or may not be safe? Customers may not be routinely informed about the safety of their drinking water system so it is up to you to do the research to find the right information.

Public source water is a regulated thing. Public water systems must use the guidelines set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency's National Primary Drinking Water Regulation.

This regulation is enforceable by law and can come with stiff penalties should the EPA find out that local suppliers are not maintaining water standards. The Secondary portion of the regulation has guidelines, though not punishable by law that state how clear, tasteful and free of texture water.

It is pretty easy to forget how good we have it in the United States. For the most part we never have to worry about whether or not we have safe water to drink. Other countries do not have it as good.

Public water works in some foreign countries are non existent and as a result the water quality is less than sanitary. Think about how your water is protected the next time you pour a glass of water.

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