
Knowing Food Safety Guidelines To Stop Food Contamination

The goal of most restaurants is to stop food contamination before it occurs through the use of proper safety procedures. Many of these procedures center on temperature control. The last thing a restaurant wants is for a customer to get sick by ingesting food that is contaminated as a result of improper temperature control.

At best this could result in the loss of a customer, but at worst it could result in negative press and a huge loss of revenue if the customer dies.

A restaurant owner must ensure that the food handlers do all that they can to stop food contamination. There are specific guidelines that must be followed in order to protect both hot and cold foods from bacterial contamination, which are in place to protect customers from illness.

Hot foods must be controlled at 140 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and cold foods must be refrigerated below 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

Restaurants can stop food contamination by knowing what the food safety guidelines are and following them faithfully. Some restaurants may become lax about enforcing the guidelines for temperature control.

Whether it is because the owners are too busy or just can't be bothered to spend extra money, they may soon find themselves out of business if people become ill after eating in their establishments.

As a customer, it is important to look on the walls of the restaurant to see if they have a current food safety certificate, and if not, avoid that establishment.

Friends are also a source of important information on what restaurants to visit or those to avoid due to past illnesses.

To read more Knowing Food Safety Guidelines To Stop Food Contamination

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