
The Most Celebrated Saints of Ireland

In the Church of Ireland, the people do not pray to the saints of Ireland but rather, with the saints. Irish traditions hold that people worship God alone, but there is a consciousness about the connection with those who have departed and are now with God in heaven.

The Church feels it is important to observe saint days and talk about Irish folklore because it gives Christians many examples of holiness to follow. The communion of saints remains a very important aspect of the Christian faith today, as we celebrate saints like Patrick, Columba and Brigid.

Saint Brendan of Clonfert isn't a patron saint, but he is still one of the most popular saints of Ireland. He's known as "the patron saint of emigrants, travelers, boatmen, sailors and mariners," known for his famous seven-year voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to Terra Repromissions, "the promised land of the Saints."

Despite this popular tale in Irish history, the exact coordinates of Terra Repromissions are unknown, but it's said they found a paradise rich with green vegetation and precious gems. His feast day is celebrated on May 16th.

There are three patron saints of Ireland; Patrick, Brigid and Columba. Though Columba got off to a rough start as an Irish exile, he is credited with converting the Picts tribe of Scotland to Christianity.

During his sea travels, Irish folklore has it that Columba ran into the Loch Ness monster that killed one boatman but was ordered away by Columba, much to the amazement of his kinsmen. His impressive shrine in Iona, Scotland has become a place of pilgrimage and he is commemorated with a feast day on June 9th.

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