
Better Health With Green Tea

For many centuries, green tea as been a staple in Chinese medicine and used widely to address many different health related issues. While widely known about and used throughout Asia, the west has only recently become aware of the benefits of drinking green tea and it is now becoming more popular.

Traditionally, green tea is not prepared with milk or sugar, but since it has been introduced to the Western world this is more common, and is mainly left to personal taste.

Some people like the flavor natural, while others claim it is on the bitter side, and need the addition of sugar or milk. No matter how it sits with your taste-buds, the important thing is to drink it because it is healthy for you.

Green tea is believed to cause an increase in metabolism that helps lower cholesterol and also supports weight loss, as it is a natural component it is often found in many weight loss remedies on the market.

Because weight is such a big concern, especially in the West, there have been many studies on on green tea and how it can help in weight loss efforts. The studies have shown that it helps to curb appetite and also reduce insulin levels, which helps so that the body does not easily make fat from sugary intake.

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