
Professional Bartending As A Career

When looking at professional bartending as a career, there are many factors to consider. How large a demand is there for bartending jobs in your local area? Do you have the necessary experience, or is there a way for you to learn the skills needed? Do you enjoy mixing drinks and cocktails as a hobby? Are you comfortable with confronting people? Are you aware of the risks and benefits of being a bartender?

While keeping a friendly attitude is important for a female bartender, it is even more important to ensure that your customers do not misread your sociability. Some men can be dangerous when intoxicated, so they need to understand where the line is drawn.

Many bars now have a policy that all employees walk in groups of 2 or more to their vehicles at the end of the night, to minimize risks of unruly customers causing trouble. Watching for suspicious behavior, as well as refusing to sell alcohol to an already intoxicated customer, will also help reduce risks common to professional bartending. This may mean asking an aggressive customer to leave the establishment.

It is often said that the biggest risk for a bartender is becoming an alcoholic. Being around alcohol so often can be too tempting for some. If you can avoid getting sucked into that trap, you'll likely enjoy bartending as a career. The people you'll meet will be very unique, with many stories they're just dying to share.

You'll see friendships grow with co-workers, and enjoy a full time income while only working part time hours. Best of all, professional bartending is never "just another day at the office."

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