
A Whistling Tea Kettle

Almost everyone has fond memories of hearing the whistle of the tea kettle from the kitchen, meaning it's time for a warming and relaxing cup of afternoon tea, or maybe letting us know that the soothing cup of honey and lemon will soon be ready to help comfort a sore throat.

Because of the more decorative aspects, they have also become very collectible items, especially the more decorative and unique styles, just as related items such as tea cups, tea pots and full tea sets have become popular among collectors.

You can often find a unique and valuable tea kettle at antique malls, garage sales, and flea markets if you keep your eyes open for one with good quality and in good condition.

The common components of an electric tea kettle include the heating element, a thermostat to turn off the kettle when no liquid is present, an on-off switch and, of course, the plug and some electric kettles have other safety features such as not heating up if the lid is not secured, designed to help protect the safety of any users in the household.

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