
Better Ideas For Mother's Day Gifts

Most children learn about Mother's Day when they are quite young, and the Mother's Day gifts tend to focus around small items. When the children are very young, the father will arrange to have them present their mother with something special.

In preschool and elementary schools, time is usually spent making crafts to give to mom on her day. There are a great variety of gifts that a mother will receive over the years from her children.

When children are still young, a Mother's Day gift tends to be some kind of homemade craft. Children will spend hours assembling jewelry, photo frames or stands, and other types of ornaments that would seem too bright and colorful for any other purpose than a Mother's Day gift.

These Mother's Day crafts are usually made at school, though resourceful kids will spend time at home creating something special for their mother.

Young children love to make things and with Mother's Day gifts, it provides them with an opportunity to make something special for their mom. Mother's Day crafts are fun to do and mothers appreciate them as gifts, as they are specially made for them by their child.

As children turn into teenagers, the gift giving may change, but it can still be a gift that is from the heart. Most mothers will cherish all the handmade gifts that she receives over the years, and many will keep the cards that are either bought for them by teenagers or made by younger children.

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It All Started With The First Mothers Day

While there were festivals in ancient times in Greece to honor the mother of the gods, the first Mothers Day occurred in the early 1900s in the United States. A woman named Anna Jarvis wanted to honor her own mother, and campaigned hard to have a national day to honor and bring a happy Mother's Day to all mothers.

Very soon after the first Mothers Day was officially instated, however, it started to lose the idealistic meaning that inspired its creation. The holiday quickly turned into a commercial venture with various industries promoting their wares heavily around this time.

As a result, Anna Jarvis came to regret creating this holiday and spent the rest of her life trying to undo what she had begun. Yet the day had been accepted and it is now forever ensconced, and the Mother's Day flowers, cards and chocolates are usually the standard fare given to moms on this day.

The first Mothers Day launched what was to become one of the most important holidays for a number of different industries, and the amount of money that is spent on the second Sunday in May across the nation is huge.

Yes, the holiday was initially created in order to honor the sacrifices made and hard work done by mothers everywhere, and yes it has become commercialized. Yet it is still a wonderful day set aside to honor our mothers and millions of loving and grateful children do just that.

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Satisfy Your Mum With Her Mothers Day Wish

A mom's Mothers Day wish tends to be time to spend with her children. This can sometimes be difficult when the children have grown up and are living in far away locales.

If the mother and her children are unable to meet face to face for dinner or some other shared event, then the children tend to rely on Mother's day gifts as a solution, and perhaps a phone call. There are some modern solutions as well.

Another Mothers Day wish for moms who live far from their children might be for pictures and other memories of the lives that their children are currently leading. Photos can easily be sent by email and even slide shows of images can be put together to make it a more special event.

Some websites offer to make it a happy Mother's Day for a mom by providing stylized wallpaper for her desktop. This is often personalized with pictures or other detailed information about the mother.

No matter where you live, your mother will want her Mothers Day wish to be answered with something that shows you care. If you cannot be there in person, then take advantage of technology to provide her with a gift that is personal.

Mothers Day flowers and chocolates can always be sent, but if you really want to make the day memorable, then look at the modern solutions available. Think hard about what you can do to make this a day that will show that you appreciate all that she has done for you.

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What Do You Know About Children Food Allergies?

Children food allergies can be a terrifying ordeal for parents who notice their precious child breaking out in sudden skin rashes, throwing up after eating or having trouble breathing.

While grade school and preschool child food allergies are rarely fatal, they can cause a lot of undue suffering and require a lifetime of careful vigilance to prevent symptoms from appearing. Over the years, the number of child allergies seems to be on the rise, but some say this is due to an increased awareness and more frequent testing.

Critics say the only reason why children food allergies have "gone up" in recent years is that the general public is more aware about the possibility of food allergies in kids.

They also argue that more and more doctors are using unreliable blood tests, which work better to rule out a food allergy than to provide definitive proof of the allergy. In 2003, a report published in Pediatrics Magazine said that blood allergy tests were only half accurate.

In 2007, researchers at the John Hopkins Children's Center reported that blood allergy tests could both overestimate and underestimate the body's immune response to an allergen.

Some doctors posit that their recommendations may have inadvertently played a role in children food allergies. The American Academy of Asthma Allergy and Immunology is currently re-evaluating guidelines recommending that eggs, peanuts and shellfish not be introduced to a child's diet until age 2 or 3.

Early exposure to peanuts has shown to decrease the peanut allergy risk in 10,000 British Children (The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunolgoy, 2008).

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Ongoing Studies About Food Allergies And Children

Studies about food allergies and children may have you scratching your head, wondering what these findings all mean. After all, past research said to keep children under the age of 3 away from known allergens like shellfish and peanuts.

Now it seems they're saying the opposite is best -- to expose children to these foods sooner. A third school of thought says there is no way to prevent child food allergies from developing.

If you suspect your child may have a food allergy or intolerance, then it's most important that you keep a record of your child's diet and symptoms. You may also benefit from knowing what sort of research is being done.

"Possible Link Between Obesity and Childhood Allergies," finds a study funded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

This study looked at the link between food allergies and children who were obese (in the 95th percentile of the normal body mass index for their age/height). Researcher Stephanie London M.D. found that, "The rate of having a food allergy was 59% higher for obese children."

The NIEHS report added that it's especially important to combat epidemics like obesity and food allergies in children, which have been on the rise over the past few decades.

For some, with regard to food allergies and children, the problem will clear up as science improves. Long-term studies are testing whether tolerance can be built up to eradicate these food allergies.

For lifelong sufferers, food scientists are creating delicious versions of these foods, minus the molecules that cause a food allergy reaction. Also, blood tests are being developed that hope to more accurately classify an allergy, rather than just an antibody.

For all the latest news on kid food allergies, you can visit www.sciencedaily.com.

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Preliminary Tests For Food Allergies In Children

How likely is it to overcome food allergies in children? A good question, as at least 50% of children who are allergic to cow's milk, egg, soy and wheat will outgrow their allergy by age 6.

However, kids with a walnut, cashew, almond, pistachio or peanut allergy have a 20% chance of recovery. As a parent, you're likely wondering what you can do to help your child.

Food Challenge tests are an accurate and widely accepted way of testing for food allergies in children. The only way to truly know if a child is allergic to a particular food is to have him or her ingest it.

Since there are dangers involved with this method, children should only be tested in a clinical setting, where emergency personnel are at hand. Most allergic reactions involve small skin rashes or mild tingling in the mouth, which are easily treated.

In rare cases, a child may stop breathing and encounter anaphylaxis. To perform this test, an allergy specialist gives the patient very, very small doses of the suspected allergen until gradual tolerance develops.

Despite the success of the Food Challenge when it comes to food allergies in children, many anxious parents do not want to go through the process. It seems counterintuitive to ask children to eat something that is known to be harmful to them.

However, there are many reasons to go through with the test as well. First, blood test results and skin test results are not very accurate. Another reason to perform a Food Challenge is to see if the allergy has been outgrown.

Lastly, a Food Challenge can pinpoint the precise food causing the kid food allergy. Elimination diets can take much longer to yield results. Documenting the degree of sensitivity to the food is the most precise way to uncover the child's tolerance level.

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Knowing About Children With Food Allergies

About 7% of people under 18 are children with food allergies. Most children outgrow their food allergies and intolerance by age 5, but 2% of adults have endured lifelong allergies to peanuts, wheat, milk or shellfish.

Some allergies will cause a mild skin rash, runny nose, diarrhea or nausea. In more serious cases, your child may have difficulty swallowing, talking or breathing and may throw up or pass out. It is essential that you educate yourself, your child and your child's caregivers on the seriousness of child food allergies.

As a parent of children with food allergies, it is also important that you educate the child about what a kid food allergy is, what the dangers are and about treatment for food allergy reactions.

For younger kids, it's helpful to read books on the subject, such as Ask Before I Eat, Allie the Allergic Elephant, Bugabees Friends with Food Allergies, The Peanut Butter Jam and The Terrific Tale of Teddy the Tummy.

If your child is a little bit older, then you might enjoy watching the 84-minute documentary film by Kevin J. Lindenmuth, titled, "I'm Not Nuts: Living with Food Allergies." Often if you attend local support groups, you will find a number of resources to help you when discussing food allergies with your child.

If having children with food allergies is a difficult diagnosis for your family, then visit the Food Allergy Initiative website (www.faiusa.org) to find support groups in your area.

For example, the Food Allergy Support of Sacramento in California is a parent-run group that focuses on networking, peer support and food free events for kids with food allergies to meet other kids like them. The Metro DC Food Allergy Support Group holds family social events, like Halloween parties and Christmas events.

The WNY Food Allergy Connection is a volunteer community resource that provides food allergy recipes, coping tips and peer meetings. The Parents of Allergic Kids Support Group in North Carolina holds bi-monthly parent meetings and child activities.

Philadelphia's Food and Environmental Allergy Support Team holds guest speaker discussions on allergies in schools or at restaurants, as well as product suggestions, allergy testing updates, psychological effects of allergies, new allergy medication options and alternative therapies.

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Better Ideas To Control Monthly Expenses

We've become consumed by the idea that earning two incomes is the only way to maintain a family, and perhaps sometimes things actually seem to be that financially restricting. Many mothers and fathers in the workforce would like to stay at home with their kids and see all the "firsts", but think that it's just impossible to give up the extra salary.

In truth, raising a family on one income is possible, with a few sacrifices and controlling monthly expenses. Also, raising your children yourself is probably the healthiest thing you could do for your kids' environment.

Think of ways where you can cut back on monthly expenses. First of all, you won't be driving so much to go back and forth to work, so give your auto insurance company a call and let them know.

Most likely, they'll reduce your rate. What about giving up on a cell phone plan or cutting back on long distance calls? Plain old phones are cheaper and email is often free. The point is to try and find all the little things you can reasonably go without, which habits and spending behaviors you can change, and see what the total savings would add up to.

Even though you'll be staying at home, you can find a way to help bring in some extra dollars. If you're good at crafts or making things, you can probably sell your items at local craft fairs or small stores. For those who have a talent, offering courses can be a profitable way to help with family income and pay your monthly expenses.

Turning your skills into money-making possibilities is a good way to balance the loss of a full salary. The internet is full of websites that offer great ideas for these types of ventures.

Networking with other moms that have given up their jobs to stay at home can also be helpful, as they'll be your greatest resource and support when you need the help.

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Living Frugally And Reducing Costs

The Depression was a famous time in our history, and many people marvel over how individuals living during that time made do with very little at all and managed to survive while reducing costs.

Items we take for granted and throw away easily today would never have seen such a fate during the Depression. Taking the time to look at our own lives and how we live today, then comparing that to how Depression-era individuals managed to get by can provide a valuable lesson which could improve our overall lives.

The hardships of the Great Depression lasted from 1929 to the end of the 1930s, and people had to be very resourceful with what they had to survive while reducing costs. Every scrap of food possible was used in cooking, and what couldn't be used for eating ended up being used somewhere else.

Containers were emptied and scraped for every last bit and washed for storing other items. Even the cloth sacking from flour and feed became something else, often turned into clothing. Resourceful wasn't an option in those years - it was a way of surviving.

Certainly, the expectations are not to live as frugally as individuals during the Depression did. The point is to learn from how people in that time managed to get by with far less and to be introspective about how we consume far more than we need to while reducing costs.

A jar of peanut butter, for example, could be scraped out when the contents are running low, and the container itself reused for another purpose. Considering that the average debt of an individual in the United States is approximately $8,000, we must wonder if that amount could have been reduced by being more careful.

Appreciating what we have and trying to be both financially and environmentally responsible is important.

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Saving Money For Your Family Budget

The way we live these days, it seems faster and more practical to buy ice to stuff our coolers with. Buying ice is a complete waste of money and really doesn't gain anything at all.

One tip to save for your family budget, you can cool down your ice chests for barbecues and vacations by freezing milk jugs that have been emptied and filled with water. Or, you can freeze the milk itself for a sure-fire cold drink! Frozen juice in containers work just as well.

Buying books or videos at their full price is costly. Libraries offer a vast range of book titles and plenty of movies as well.

You'll save the costs of movie rental stores, saving money for your family budget, and some libraries are even faster to use for movie browsing, as you can check out titles available on their website, reserve a copy and head on over to pick it up. Self-checkout at some libraries speeds up the process even more.

Wintertime brings extra expenses and needing to keep little ones warm. You may need tips to save money for your family budget, while keeping your children warm. Being lifted in someone arms can push up a toddler's pant legs, exposing skin to the cold.

The best and cheapest remedy for this problem is to cut the toe off an old sock and use the tube as a leg warmer! Your cut sock can do double duty when the discarded toe gets turned into a dusting mitt.

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Stretching Your Dollars When You Go Grocery Shopping

Cutting coupons can seem like a real chore to most people, but the payoff of taking a few minutes each week to sit down and snip out store savings is well worth the small effort.

With the money you save and go grocery shopping wisely, you can get that new outfit you've been dying to have or you can save your money up for something really nice. You'll feel good knowing that you've managed to save plenty of money just by changing a few of your habits and all you'll have to spend is a few minutes on your new strategies.

Lots of people are becoming aware that generic doesn't mean low-quality. What generic products really are is the same as what's in that brand-name package. The product has the same ingredients, is made the same way, looks the same - and is the same!

The only difference is that brand-name manufacturers sell their products to other companies who repackage the product under their own label and offer it to consumers at a lower cost when you go grocery shopping . This is the perfect case of paying more for a name than for the actual quality of the product itself.

Lots of people avoid dollar stores for their shopping because they think the products are old or stale, but the truth is that what's inside the bottle or bag at the dollar store is probably the same product as what's in the new-look packaging on grocery shelves.

Often, when manufacturers change their packaging (but not the contents!), they'll sell the "old" product to dollar stores in bulk, which means huge savings for you. You'll buy the same product at the dollar store as you would when you go grocery shopping, but at a fraction of the price.

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Saving Money By Shopping And Cooking In Bulk

Cooking in bulk can be a great money and time saver. You can avoid the boring job of finishing work only to come home and have to start a second shift as you prepare supper. Also, cooking in bulk leaves you with more time to spend with your family, and they'll appreciate having a home-cooked meal as opposed to take-out or frozen pizza.

You can choose when to cook instead of knowing it's a daily certainty, and you can prepare plenty of meals ahead of time. Here are some great tips for cooking meals in bulk:

Starting with cooking in bulk means also trying to save on the cost of food. When preparing your menu of meals, take a look at the grocery store fliers and choose meals that use items on sale that week.

Compare prices to warehouse and club stores as well. Also, split your shopping between two stores that will offer you different sale-priced items to keep overall costs of food shopping low.

If you're not sure what recipes to choose for cooking in bulk, looking up menu plans or recipes on the internet can give you some great options. Using "bulk cooking" keywords, you can find plenty of good recipes that will help you prepare lots of meals in advance.

When you do decide your day of cooking, have something already prepared for your meal that night, as bulk cooking can be tiring - though only tiring once a week, as opposed to the annoyance of daily cooking.

Better yet, get your family involved and delegate tasks to each member, which will cut down on your time. Often, there's fun to be had in the whole gang pitching in!

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Celebrating The Resurrection And Renewal

The Christian faith is centered on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he said, "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep" (Corinthians 15:19-20). Each year during the Easter holiday, Christians celebrate His resurrection and the promise of a new life.

St. Paul describes the resurrection appearance as such: "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that He was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve. After that, He was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, He was seen of James; then of all the apostles." Many scholars point to Paul's account as the most verifiable and historically accurate.

There are many reasons why the resurrection matters to Christians. It is an outward sign of God's power and humankind's salvation depends upon this miraculous event, which also proves that the prophecies and teachings of Jesus Christ were true.

This confirms that Jesus will be the judge of all mankind when Judgment Day arrives. Jesus gave his directive to His disciples to go out and spread the word, to create the Church and to teach people how to live and love.

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Different Easter Traditions In Many Cultures

Many secular and spiritual Easter traditions overlap in North American culture, but most believers have no difficulty distinguishing the genuinely important traditions from those that are not.

In the same way, there are some traditions that surround the Christian Easter celebrations in different cultures that may seem odd or uncomfortably different from those practised in North America. Yet here, too, it should be possible to distinguish the important underlying spirituality from a mere unfamiliarity with different customs.

One of the most famous of the Easter traditions, or perhaps more properly considered a pre-Easter tradition, is the Carnival. This occurs in church traditions, mostly Catholic and Orthodox, which have a forty-day Lent period preceding Easter.

During this time, believers engage in fasting and abstinence to prepare for the solemnity and meaning of Easter itself. So the Carnival, taking place just prior to Lent, is the last chance to let off steam before this contemplative period. Two of the most well-known of these Carnivals are in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, and Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

Some variations in Easter traditions stem from the fact that this is an autumn season in the southern hemisphere. So the Australian celebration more closely resembles the American Thanksgiving than the American Easter, accompanied by agricultural harvest shows.

Rather than using the Easter bunny symbol, since rabbits are quite destructive there, Australians use the bilby, which looks like a huge mouse with rabbit-like ears. What is important in learning about all these different traditions is that the underlying sentiment and aspirations for this festival are the same, even if the surface details vary from place to place.

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