
Corn Stove Burns Renewable Resource Cleanly

There are stoves designed to operate using pellets from processed sawdust and there is also a corn stove that operates on corn pellets. Both the corn pellet and the wood pellet stoves do not require the use of a chimney; they are able to be vented to the outside through a pipe and this can be done in whatever room you desire.

There are also wall thermostats available to set up for automatic use. The temperature is set to what you want so that when the day gets warmer it will shut down. When the temperature starts falling in the evening it will start up again.

The corn stove also has glow plugs as optional igniters that will light the fire automatically when necessary. With an 85 pound hopper you will be able to run it on a normal basis for many days without having to refill it.

Corn pellet stoves do compare more favorably with the wood pellet stoves when it comes to efficiency, yet they do not emit as much heat as conventional wood burning stoves. The cost to run a corn stove versus a wood stove depends on where you live more than anything else. If you are in Maine or Massachusetts, then it may difficult to locate an economical and reliable local supplier.

Many times there is a waiting list for the consumers who wish to purchase a corn pellet stove so they are obviously gaining in popularity. In 2006, an estimated 65,000 corn pellet stoves were sold in the United States. In 2007, there were 350,000 of them being used in the US and the number of owners just keeps increasing.

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Pellet Burning Stoves Are Environmentally Friendly

The first practical coal stove was invented in 1833, the first gas stove was patented in 1826 and the first electric stove was invented in 1891. They have definitely come a long way and there is no doubt that stoves provide efficient heating as well as being timeless in their unique styling. There are many styles available today, everything from gas, wood and even pellet burning stoves so you are sure to find one that fits your needs and lifestyle.

Everyone is trying to do their part in keep the environment green by coming up with environmentally friendly appliances, such as stoves and fireplaces. The invention pellet burning stoves has definitely hit the mark as far as the environment is concerned.

They are as easy to operate, if not easier, as the gas, electric and oil heaters that you are familiar with already. They use wood pellets that are made from what would normally be waste material or byproducts of saw milling and other types of wood transformation processes.

The pellet burning stoves may not even need a standard chimney since they burn wood so efficiently the exhaust fumes can be piped through a pellet stove vent in a hole in the wall that goes directly outside.

This is done through a pellet vent that has a galvanized or aluminum exterior and a stainless steel interior. Actually these pellet stoves and pellet stove inserts can be used with an existing chimney but the chimney will most likely need to be relined with stainless steel.

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The Seder Feast

The Seder is the most widely celebrated Jewish holiday, even among those who are not deeply religious. More than 80% of Jewish families have attended a Passover Seder, which includes a feast and prayers in the home, as opposed to a synagogue where much of their worship takes place.

While the Christians commemorate the resurrection of Jesus, the Jews use this time of year to memorialize the Israelite Exodus out of Egypt, which is when their ancient ancestors were freed from slavery. It is also a time to give thanks because God spared them from the plagues that washed over Egypt, killing all the firstborn sons in one bloody night.

To maintain the universal structure and traditional nature of the Seder celebration, a Haggadah is purchased, which contains the text and rituals associated with the Passover feast.

Each family has their own paperback copy, but "The Family Haggadah" (Artscroll/Mesorah) and "Passover Haggadah" (Nathan Goldberg) are considered to be two of the better versions for Orthodox Jews. The Haggadah guides the celebration, instructing families what prayers and blessings to read, when to wash their hands, when to sing, what questions to ask and reiterating why this holiest of days is commemorated.

The Seder is traditionally associated with the Jewish faith, although it is not exclusive to their religion. Christians also hold Seders during Holy Week to celebrate Jesus, who was a Hebrew, and connect with ancient Messianic faiths.

Catholics see the Last Supper as a sort of Seder, so they may celebrate a Last Supper type meal with separate rituals and traditions. Often Christians and Jews celebrate Seders together to rejoice in their similarities, rather than their differences, since we live in such a global, interfaith prevalent society.

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Easter Cultural Dishes For The Holidays

What will you put on your table for the holidays? This question plagues many a homemaker. While there are cultural dishes we all love and grew up with, sometimes we may want to expand our horizons are partake in the fare of other cultures or add a new tradition to distinguish an Easter dinner from a Christmas dinner.

Whether you are celebrating the Jewish Passover, the resurrection of Jesus or the coming of spring, exotic holiday recipes can be discovered all around the world.

Easter in Italy is unforgettable. The holidays are celebrated with solemn processions and masses prior to the Easter holiday, joyous feasting on Easter Sunday and rowdy partying on Easter Monday (La Pasquetta). On this day, families enjoy another day off work to picnic outdoors in the nice weather with their families, enter the Racing of the Egg contest or attend a Festa della Ndrezzata dance.

In Italy, the Easter dinner varies by region, but almost everywhere they share lamb and fancy Easter breads as the main dishes. Hardboiled eggs are important breakfast and dinner menu items in most regions as well. Garlic roasted potatoes, tossed salad with roasted red peppers, olives, sliced tomatoes and artichoke hearts and wine are all quintessential sides.

There are tons of bread varieties for this festive day. Braided egg bread, calabria (with hardboiled eggs hidden inside), colomba pasquale (with crystallized sugar and almonds), gubana (with nuts, fruit, spice and liqueur) and Crescia al formaggio (with cheese). Fruits like grapes, oranges, figs and pears, pies (tortas) and chocolate are delicious Italian desserts.

There is a spirit of optimism that comes along with the holidays during the advent of spring. Dating back to pre-Christian times, people felt hopeful and inspired as the days grew longer, the weather warmed, the flowers pushed their way above ground and new life emerged from the wombs of animals. The best way to celebrate is with festivities, song, dance, prayer and feasts, no matter which culture or religion you are part of.

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Easter Bunny Brings Cheer To Children

Since the Scotch-Irish and English Quakers did not celebrate Easter, it was the German settlers who brought many of our earliest traditions. They celebrated the arrival of Oschter Haws (Easter bunny), they colored eggs, they had Easter baskets, they made Easter candy and chocolates, and the Christian-Germans observed the Easter holiday with a mass and feasting.

It is a bit of a mystery how the bunny rabbit became such a stalwart symbol of Easter traditions, but like Santa Claus, young children loved the magic associated with the fable and enjoyed the gift giving tradition.

Historian Francis Weiser wrote about the bunny's origin, saying: "The Easter bunny had its origin in pre-Christian fertility lore and never had religious symbolism bestowed on its festive usage. However, the bunny has acquired a cherished role in the celebration of Easter as the legendary producer of Easter eggs for children in many countries."

Today, children hunt for colored eggs and place them in Easter baskets along with the modern version of real Easter eggs, which are made of plastic or chocolate candy. In some places, there is actually a war against the Easter bunny. For instance, in 2006, the affable bunny was banned from the St. Paul, Minnesota City Hall for fear of offending Christians.

Christian parents are often torn between keeping the holiday all about Christ and appeasing their children who can't understand why Peter Cottontail and Santa Claus skip their house every year. Some families try to blend the two traditions together, while others try to plan more Jesus-centered activities and give religious-themed gifts instead.

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Decorating Easter Egg Around The World

In the 11th Century, Edward I of England paid eighteen pence to gold-leaf and color 450 Easter eggs to hand out as gifts. Written documentation of the Easter egg dates back an astounding five hundred years! Although it is believed that North African tribes were coloring eggs in springtime much earlier.

Eggs can be dyed using food coloring or natural herbs, dipped in wax, carved, hand-painted or jeweled. It is no surprise that such wondrous and versatile symbolism is used to celebrate Easter.

While the Easter egg is undoubtedly beautiful, many children's favorite egg is made of chocolate. Kinder Surprise Eggs, manufactured by Ferrero Chocolate in Italy, began in 1972 and are sold in every country except for the US. FDA regulation prohibits that non-edible items be included in food.

In a hollow chocolate Kinder Egg, a plastic capsule contains parts of a toy or puzzle that must be assembled by the recipient. This Easter candy has become so popular that a Kinder toy collecting industry popped up over the years. However, politicians in Germany are beginning to follow suit with American officials, stating that the toys may be a "health hazard," which 97% of those surveyed said was just rubbish.

The Easter egg is not seen as a tradition in every country. For example, Mexico, South America and Native American cultures do not use eggs in their holidays celebrations. Often it is viewed as wasteful to make so many eggs that one family can't possibly eat, so in Spain, "hornazo" made of hard-boiled eggs is eaten.

Yet, for most cultures, fresh Easter eggs are seen as prized eats after an arduous winter, and fasting during the Holy Season of Lent.

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Traditional Easter Celebrations

Each spring students enjoy two weeks off school, a time in which they can relax with their families, enjoy the nicer weather and reflect. Traditions vary from religion to religion and person to person, but it is a time for family, food and great joy. In Christian and Eastern religions, Easter is the most important holiday of the year.

A chocolate bunny makes the perfect gift at Easter. The Easter bunny is said to have migrated to American tradition from the German settlers who had a bunny named "Oschter Haws" that left colored eggs for the children.

The multi-colored eggs symbolized the beautiful colors associated with springtime and the bunny itself symbolized fertility, as Teutonic, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility, was often accompanied by a hare.

Easter traditions are passed down from generation to generation and carry many cultural overtones. While Christians argue that real reason for the season is to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Savior, praying and fasting are just a few of the ways people celebrate in modern times.

Feasting, egg hunts, Easter baskets and other celebrations have made this a time to celebrate new life and springtime as well. With two weeks off from school, kids can learn to celebrate both traditions.

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About Easter Baskets And Other Traditions

Children learn about Easter in numerous ways. They make Easter bonnets out of colored paper and color Easter eggs. They may attend a mass if they are Christian or a Passover Seder if Jewish. They anxiously await the arrival of the Easter bunny to bring baskets full of chocolates and eggs.

Perhaps the reading of a book called "Peter Cottontail" or the singing a song called "Hot Cross Buns" will transpire. Families may plant flowers or spend more time outdoors as the days grow longer and warmer. At this time of year there is a plethora of ancient cultural traditions that have survived to modern times, spanning across several different continents and thousands of generations.

To learn about Easter symbols of our present day, we must look past religious symbolism, since many of our modern traditions stem from ancient cultures pre-dating Christianity. Early Anglo-Saxons celebrated the vernal equinox, one of two days out of the year when the sun fixes itself directly over the equator, causing an equally long day and night.

For many this was a new beginning, the start of spring and a time for a fresh start after an often toilsome winter. At this time, the Anglo-Saxons commemorated their goddess of fertility, who always appeared with her furry, wide-eyed companion, the hare.

While she goes by many names from Aphrodite (Cyprus), Astarte (Greece) and Ashtoreth (Israel) to Hathor (Egypt), Kali (India) and Ostara (Norway), she was known to the Anglo-Saxons as "Eastre." It is no surprise, then, where the word "Easter" came from or why the Easter bunny became one of the most identifiable symbols of Easter.

Many of our beliefs about Easter and our current traditions came over to the New World from the old one our ancestors left. The Germans, English, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles and Nordic peoples came over to America, bringing many of their cultural associations with them.

The Germans had long written about "Oschterhase," the Easter hare who brought laid colored eggs in shallow nests for children. The British had many contests like egg jarping, egg rolls and egg hunts. The Nordic commemorated the spring fertility goddess Ostara (also known as "Eastre") and her companion the hare.

The Slavic people brought over their tradition of decorating lavish Easter eggs in brilliant colors. Aside from religion, our Easter celebration is largely a cultural one too.

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The Easter Gifts For Your Family

Easter bonnets and decorated eggs used to be the fashionable Easter offering, but the Easter gift of today can range from eggs and chocolate bunnies to cards and kites.

At www.gifts.com, consumers can find springtime outdoor decorations, personalized picture frames, chocolate Easter baskets, bunny postage stamps, egg-shaped guest soaps, gardening tools and even dog raincoats! While Easter Sunday is typically observed as a religious holiday with mass and dinner, there are many thoughtful Easter gifts to share as well.

Easter eggs are a popular gift, which can be quite beautiful, particularly in the Slavic regions. In Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Ukraine, eggs are hand-painted into elaborate designs. In Belarus, the Easter egg is red with golden markings to symbolize the blood of Christ.

The Fabergé eggs were decorated with paint and jewels for member of the Russian court and are lavish collector's items today. In addition to actual hardboiled and dyed eggs, Easter eggs can also be made of Jellybeans, chocolate, marshmallows or plastic, which can be hidden or used to enclose a treat.

Many kids enjoy making Easter crafts for their family members. Easter egg dyeing is one of the most popular family activities, which can be done quite simply by purchasing the dye tablets from a local supermarket and mixing them with vinegar in special egg-dyeing cups.

Kids can make bunny ears, a bunny basket, Easter bonnets, Easter centerpieces and more at www.familyfun.go.com. Coloring sheets will often do for the little ones. Some families also like to make their own Easter sweets using special molds to make a chocolate egg or chocolate bunny.

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Pleasing Your Guests With Easy Entertaining Recipes

Easy entertaining recipes can be used to entertain your guests and meet their expectations. Most guests do not expect you to make an elaborate 10 course meal for a dinner party, maybe two or three courses at most. Guests are usually your friends and family who enjoy your company and like to exchange ideas, while providing entertaining food in the meantime.

If you are expecting a large number of guests, you may serve buffet style on one or two tables, for everyone to pick and choose their favourite meals. You may need to include meals to meet the dietary needs of your guests by contacting your guests a few weeks before they arrive, to find out if they are on special diets.

You may have a number of guests who are vegetarian, on a low carb diet or need gluten free food. You can provide plenty of salads for the vegetarians, but you need to cook with low carb ingredients for the low carb meals. A lot of the low carb and gluten free ingredients are available at regular food stores and health food stores.

You can even create cheese platters with cut pieces of cheese on crackers. Look at including different types of cheese, like low fat and a variety of additions, including dips and tomatoes. As you may have noticed, many people like cheese and tomato and you can please your guests by offering to meet their needs.

You will surprise your guests, when you show you have gone the extra mile to satisfy their needs and requirements with easy entertaining recipes.

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Food Allergy Recipes With Alternative Ingredients

Food allergy recipes include alternatives to your regular ingredients, depending on the relevant food allergies. If you are allergic to wheat, then you may look at using spelt or kamut as wheat alternatives. Your main aim is to avoid adding an ingredient where there will be an adverse health reaction. This is why you will need to seek the advice of a medical doctor to confirm the diagnosis and advise you of the food ingredients to avoid.

You should then consult with a registered dietitian who can advise on the alternatives available and help you set up a diet program where you can use food allergy recipes to create delicious meals with alternative ingredients.

There may be times when you do not know if you have an allergy to a certain food ingredient. You should consult with your medical doctor, so that you can be sent for a diagnosis for all possible allergies. For example, you may have an allergy to nuts, then this can be diagnosed and you will know to avoid nuts.

Some of these allergies can lead to extremely adverse health reactions, including death. For these reasons, you should look to seek medical advice and the assistance of a registered dietitian to help you with food allergy recipes.

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Making The Right Choices With Low Carb Fast Food

Low carb fast food can be ordered from many fast food outlets. You just need to be careful with your selection of food to eat. You should avoid sugary drinks, mayonnaise, fries and the bun on your burger and head for the salads. Many fast food restaurants now serve a variety of salads, in their salad bar.

If you stick to eating low carb foods, then you can maintain your low carb diet and even lose weight in the process. The secret to your success is to stay true to your diet by avoiding meals that will introduce high amounts of carbohydrates to your system. By making the right food choices you will be rewarded with positive outcomes.

In these days of working long and unpredictable hours, you may want to have a quick dinner and get to sleep. By being careful with your choice of fast food, you can still keep the carbs down, lose weight in the process and still enjoy a quick nutritious meal.

You can cook quick easy meals, where you will have a delicious nutritious meal on your table in 30 minutes. On the way home from work, stop at the food store and buy small pieces of your favourite meat, the smaller pieces of meat cook a lot faster. You can buy beef, lamb or unskinned chicken. You can also buy pre-sliced vegetables to include in your meal and in your salads.

So now you know, how to cook a nutritious low carb fast food meal at home.

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Drinking Better Beers

If you are a beer drinker, then you probably have an opinion on what the best beers are and what breweries produce them. You may prefer domestic brews, or it may be that you prefer Canadian beer or German beer.

There are hundreds and hundreds of different brands and beer varieties so do not limit yourself to just one. You need to keep an open mind and think about all the possibilities that are out there on today's market. You may just find a brand new favorite to add to your list when you check out all that there is available.

As mentioned before, there are hundreds of types of varieties of beer and thousands of different types of breweries dotting the world. Even when the field of beers is narrowed down, there still is the debate between which is best, beer bottles or beer cans?

The truth is that you will get a better taste and view of the beer when you choose bottles. Beer in cans is still perfectly acceptable, so there is no need to cause a riot. If you cannot live without beer in cans, then choose that. It is after all a matter of taste.

If you truly want to open up your taste buds to all the beers available in the world, then it may help to join a local pub that has a tasting club. The menu usually features a wide assortment of brews.

Every time that you visit the establishment you can try a new beer from a different region of the world. That way, when it comes time to debate which beer is really best, you will be more informed.

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American Beer For That Refreshing Taste

There is always so much hoopla revolving around what beer is best. It becomes a source of national pride for many people. They believe beer brewing in their country is far superior to the brewing system of another company.

The focus of an argument regarding a nation's national brew is contentious. American beer may be better for some people because that is what they grew up around and what their parents drank. Anything else is just some would-be pretentious brew that is pictured alongside yachting clubs for the rich.

The real truth regarding the basic American beer is that it is brewed in much the same manner as every other brew found in the world. A German pint may cost you a little bit more to buy in the states but it does not mean that it is a brew that only aristocrats drink. Wake up and smell the yeast! Beer is beer no matter where you go and some people have forgotten that fact.

The point in choosing an American beer or one brewed in a different country is taste. In order for you to make an informed decision on whether or not to try a Canadian beer or one from any other country is that you have tried enough different varieties from various brewing manufacturers to know what you like in a cold beer.

Only when you have other tastes to compare it to will you know exactly what you like. Who knows? You may find out that you are a pilsner fan when all along you thought you only liked lagers.

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Tasting Refreshing Ales

The world of ales is larger than you think. You may already have a favorite type of beer but did you know that there are many different varieties and beer brewing manufacturer's all across the world?

There is a distinct different between the ale and the pilsner. Stouts and lagers are also very different from each other. All these fermented tasty beverages may have the word "beer" on the label somewhere but it does not make them all the same. The best thing you can do is to become informed and give other drinks a try.

Ales use a different brewing system than lagers, meads or stouts. A top fermenting brewer's yeast gives the ale a sweet, fruity taste. This taste is counterbalanced with the use of hops, which are added later.

The bitterness of the hops creates a perfect balance of sweet and bitter. An ale relies on this combination of yeast and hops to give it a rich, full bodied taste that still has a touch of sweetness and the bitter edge that is associated with an ale.

Finding a great ale is not very hard. Most major liquor stores carry a wide assortment and variety of ales for you to choose from. Instead of choosing your typical lager or pilsner, give an ale a try.

You may be surprised at how great it tastes. At the very least it will expose you to different flavor combinations and you may just discover a brand that suits your palate.

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Bargain Shopping And Finding Better Deals

If you are one of those people who love the thrill of finding something of great value for a low price, then you are not alone. Even if you do not necessarily have to watch your pennies, bargain shopping may still be a favorite activity.

If that type of shopping appeals to you, then consider outlet shopping, as it allows you to purchase new items that are normally much less than the original price. Sometimes products are updated with new packaging, leaving the old line for sale at very low prices.

Consider purchasing off-season items, such as clothing, and storing them for the next year. You can also buy seasonal holiday items, barbecue grills, etc. during the off season. Bargain shopping can be accomplished by checking out thrift stores and even garage sales. It is surprising the number of good deals you can find.

Talking about bargain shopping would not be complete without mentioning eBay, where you are able to place bids and come out with some really great deals; it has been known to become addictive.

Another way to cut spending expenses is to check everything out online; it is very easy to compare products and prices without having to run all over town. You may want to consider buying gifts online as well, as many merchants offer discounts when you shop and pay online.

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