
It All Started With The First Mothers Day

While there were festivals in ancient times in Greece to honor the mother of the gods, the first Mothers Day occurred in the early 1900s in the United States. A woman named Anna Jarvis wanted to honor her own mother, and campaigned hard to have a national day to honor and bring a happy Mother's Day to all mothers.

Very soon after the first Mothers Day was officially instated, however, it started to lose the idealistic meaning that inspired its creation. The holiday quickly turned into a commercial venture with various industries promoting their wares heavily around this time.

As a result, Anna Jarvis came to regret creating this holiday and spent the rest of her life trying to undo what she had begun. Yet the day had been accepted and it is now forever ensconced, and the Mother's Day flowers, cards and chocolates are usually the standard fare given to moms on this day.

The first Mothers Day launched what was to become one of the most important holidays for a number of different industries, and the amount of money that is spent on the second Sunday in May across the nation is huge.

Yes, the holiday was initially created in order to honor the sacrifices made and hard work done by mothers everywhere, and yes it has become commercialized. Yet it is still a wonderful day set aside to honor our mothers and millions of loving and grateful children do just that.

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