
Surviving A Disaster On Emergency Food

Emergency food is food to last you for a few weeks. You may have heard stories of people stuck on a mountain, surviving on a chocolate bar. Chocolate bars, canned food, and other non-perishable food items can be placed in an area where you can survive until help arrives.

For example, your electricity cuts out for weeks on end. This means no refrigerated food, no tv and a small level of communication. You may use a cell phone for communication, but if there is no coverage in your area and in thick walled areas, like underground bunkers your cell phone is useless.

What will you do in this situation? Panic? No. You prepare for this eventuality by stocking up on emergency food.

You may live in an area where there are plenty of emergency situations. For example, you may live out in a forested area, and there are many fires in the summer. You may have arranged for a fireproof bunker to take your family, in the case of wildfires heading towards your home.

You may not have the time to evacuate and going on the road at this time may be too dangerous, as you may drive into the mouth of the wildfire. Depending on conditions, wildfires can travel really fast and catch up with your car, even though you may be driving in the opposite direction.

There are many stories of people incinerated in their cars, while attempting to escape wildfires. Your decision is to take your family down to the fireproof bunker and stay there until the wildfire has passed your home.

Until help arrives, your family can survive on emergency food.

To read more Surviving A Disaster On Emergency Food

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