
Organic Fair Trade Coffee Is Helping Farmers Receive A Fair Price

Organic fair trade coffee is now available in some specialty coffee shops and in selected food stores. As most people know, most coffee originates from poor countries in Africa where farmers are struggling to make a living, when they sell their coffee beans to large corporations at very low prices.

A relatively new concept has now been developed where people can choose to buy fair trade coffee beans and even fair trade chocolate, to support farmers develop their farming business and receive fair prices for their produce.

To label a product fair trade, it will have to be independently certified, to confirm the farmers received a fair price for the product.

There are not many places selling organic fair trade coffee. I have seen organic fair trade chocolate being sold at some supermarkets, quite often high up, on the top shelf, and you have to search for it.

Some specialty coffee shops sell organic fair trade coffee beans, but most often you have to place a special request for it. My specialty coffee shop always has some for me, cause they know I will buy it at least once a month.

As I always buy organic food from the health food store around the corner, I am not fazed by the slightly higher price for organic food, as I know I will be getting quality food. The health food store is rather large, has a number of cashiers and has plenty of organic food, including fresh fruit and vegetables.

When making my coffee in the morning, I know I am helping farmers in poor countries, by purchasing organic fair trade coffee.

To read more Organic Fair Trade Coffee Is Helping Farmers Receive A Fair Price

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