
Organic Fair Trade Coffee Is Helping Farmers Receive A Fair Price

Organic fair trade coffee is now available in some specialty coffee shops and in selected food stores. As most people know, most coffee originates from poor countries in Africa where farmers are struggling to make a living, when they sell their coffee beans to large corporations at very low prices.

A relatively new concept has now been developed where people can choose to buy fair trade coffee beans and even fair trade chocolate, to support farmers develop their farming business and receive fair prices for their produce.

To label a product fair trade, it will have to be independently certified, to confirm the farmers received a fair price for the product.

There are not many places selling organic fair trade coffee. I have seen organic fair trade chocolate being sold at some supermarkets, quite often high up, on the top shelf, and you have to search for it.

Some specialty coffee shops sell organic fair trade coffee beans, but most often you have to place a special request for it. My specialty coffee shop always has some for me, cause they know I will buy it at least once a month.

As I always buy organic food from the health food store around the corner, I am not fazed by the slightly higher price for organic food, as I know I will be getting quality food. The health food store is rather large, has a number of cashiers and has plenty of organic food, including fresh fruit and vegetables.

When making my coffee in the morning, I know I am helping farmers in poor countries, by purchasing organic fair trade coffee.

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Balancing Your Diet With Fruit And Vegetable Ideas

Fruit and vegetable are essential food ingredients for a balanced diet. You can grow your own fruit and vegetables in your garden, to pick fresh off the branch produce and eaten on the same day.

If you need some herbs for your cooking, you can run outside to your garden and pick some fresh herbs and use them in your cooking on the same day.

Once you start using fresh produce from your garden, you will realise all the natural flavours you have been missing. A tomato fresh from the plant, tastes so much better than one bought from the store that was picked days, weeks or even months ago.

Much of the produce you buy from the food store may have been refrigerated for long periods and waiting for the demand to pick up, losing all the natural flavours in the meantime. This is often the reason why tomatoes, apples and other produce bought from a food store are often rather tasteless and without natural flavours

By growing your own herbs, fruit and vegetable you will enjoy more natural flavours and better tasting food, especially when you use them fresh from your garden and eaten on the same day.

When considering food, you also need to consider dietary needs and food allergies. There may be one or two diabetics in your family and you need to be careful how you make food that will be enjoyable but without a high sugar content.

For example, there may be a birthday party coming up and you need to arrange for a cake suitable for a diabetic. Many cake shops these days, make cakes that are without sugar, or with an extremely low sugar content. The cake will taste just as delicious, but without the high sugar content.

Having a member of the family, with special dietary needs, is an often difficult process to manage, but once you develop a pattern and know which food ingredients will not adversely affect their health, then you will know the perfect choice of ingredients when cooking meals.

After all, many dietitians recommend that diabetics eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

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Surprising Your Best Friends With Wine And Cheese Gift Baskets

Wine and cheese gift baskets are rather popular these days, especially among drinkers of fine wines. Gift baskets can be given on almost any occasion. It may be Thanksgiving, Christmas Day or a graduation from college. Any excuse to celebrate with a glass of wine and cheese!

If you are thinking about presenting a gift to a friend and do not know what to give, then you can make a few enquiries without giving away the aim of your questions.

Based on the answers to your questions, then you may look at constructing a customized food gift basket. If one of the answers to your questions, include favourite choice of wine and cheese, then you can include one or two bottles of the favoured wine and cheese with a couple of wine glasses.

You may have received a box of chocolates and you may find this a rather predictable gift to give to someone else. By making an effort to create a surprise gift, shows you have thought through the idea and came up with a pleasant surprise with wine and cheese gift baskets.

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Creative Ideas For Birthday Cakes

Birthday cakes are often the center of attention of many birthday parties. On the cake, there may be birthday candles, icing, a birthday wish and even unique decorations with photos and favourite themes.

The theme may depend on the birthday person. For example, if your princess has graduated from college, then you may include her graduation photo, or an image of her first day at school, or at a very young age. You may even include a series of photos, contrasting her physical changes over the years, showing a series of her life in pictures.

If you are looking for more ideas for a birthday cake, there are plenty of ideas online. Alternatively, you can browse at the cakes at your local cake shop or bakery. At a dedicated cake shop you will have a larger range of choices and if you have specific requirements, many cake shops will bake a cake to your instructions.

For example, if your princess loves ice cream, and is a keen ice skater, then you can request a birthday cake made of ice cream with ice skating decorations. The cake shop may have images of the cake you are looking for or you may have images of the cake that you like to have for your princess on her birthday.

The best ideas, are often the basis of unexpected themes for a cake, so if you show your ideas at the cake shop, then you will get the cake to please your princess and all her friends at her birthday party.

After all, there are many children who love ice cream in their birthday cakes.

To read more Creative Ideas For Birthday Cakes

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Keeping Your Bread Fresh With A Ceramic Bread Box

Ceramic bread box helps to prevent your fresh bread from going stale and moldy by providing a cool dry place, away from sunlight. As water and sunlight are the natural enemies of fresh bread, then you can help keep these elements away from your fresh bread by using a quality bread box.

You can buy a bread box online, from supermarkets and many department stores. I like to see exactly what I am buying so I like to buy my kitchen tools from department stores.

I hear many stories of people buying a kitchen item online and then being disappointed as the item looks different from the image they saw online. Even though there may be a guarantee, the hassle of sending something back and seeking a refund may not be worth your time and effort.

If your main aim is to keep your bread fresh and away from sunlight then you cannot lose with a ceramic bread box. You may cook your own bread with a bread machine, or buy freshly baked bread from the hot bread shop, but keeping the bread from going stale and moldy is best achieved with a quality bread box.

It may take a while to eat a whole loaf of bread and you need to ensure that all the natural flavours are maintained whenever you sit down for a family meal. Keeping your bread in a cool dry place helps to keep your bread fresh.

One of the best solutions is a ceramic bread box.

To read more Keeping Your Bread Fresh With A Ceramic Bread Box

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Preparing Your Coffee With A Coffee Grinder

Coffee grinder loaded with your favourite whole coffee beans, is grinding away to make the best full flavoured freshly grounded coffee. You can then take your grounded coffee and place it in the pot of a coffee maker to make a full flavoured most delicious cup of coffee. You have not tasted a real cup of coffee, until you have tasted a full flavored freshly grounded coffee.

There are not many places where you can buy whole coffee beans, as many people do not want to bother with grinding coffee, but these people miss out on most of the flavours you are rewarded by grinding your own coffee. A little known fact, is that it only takes a few seconds to grind your coffee beans with a good quality coffee grinder.

You can find whole coffee beans in specialty coffee shops and in some of the larger department stores. But I find the best coffee beans in shops dedicated to selling the best coffee beans to use in a coffee grinder.

Taking a few seconds to grind the coffee beans, before placing the freshly ground coffee in the pot of a coffee maker, is not too much effort, when you are rewarded with the best full flavoured coffee every time.

Now you know the best steps you can take, to make a delicious cup of coffee every time. Another step you can take, to keep a warm cup of coffee when you need it, is to have a range of insulated coffee mugs, to help keep your coffee warm all day.

You can make your coffee with your coffee maker in the morning and pour the coffee in a number of coffee mugs, and drink from one coffee mug in the morning, another coffee mug at work and another insulated coffee mug when you arrive home. All coffee is maintained at the same temperature as long as you use insulated coffee mugs.

Using insulated coffee mugs, means that you do not need to keep making a new cup of coffee or reheating your pot. By grinding your coffee beans with a coffee grinder and then making the coffee with your coffee maker only once a day, helps to keep the taste and natural flavours of your coffee and avoids overcooking your coffee.

There is nothing better, than a hot cup of full falvoured coffee whenever you need it!

To read more Preparing Your Coffee With A Coffee Grinder

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Start The New Day With Coffee And Norwegian Cookies

Norwegian cookies with coffee is the tradition among many Norwegians in this country. The cookie crumbles in your mouth, and the flavours are so delicious, you feel the coffee is the antidote to the sweet taste of the cookie.

Although some people drink tea with their cookies, the Norwegian tradition is to enjoy a cup of coffee with their delicious cookies.

You can make your own cookies, as the recipe is rather simple with basic ingredients like almonds, butter and cardamom. It is the simplicity of the recipe that makes for such a delicious reward for effort. If you do not have the time to bake your own cookies, you can always buy them from gourmet food stores.

The quietest part of the day, looking at the morning light coming through your window, can be enjoyed with a freshly brewed cup of coffee and a couple of Norwegian cookies.

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Fresh Strawberries For A Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry shortcake is a delicious dessert, given after a main meal. There are not many excuses to give out something so delicious, as something that includes fresh strawberries, especially when strawberries are in season. I slice my strawberries, from my own organic garden, freshly picked on the day of cooking.

When my strawberry patch is full of strawberries, there are not many excuses I need to find, to make a number of delicious desserts with strawberries. If strawberries are out, then I use strawberry syrup, which is always available at my favourite gourmet food store.

When the time comes for a family celebration like a birthday or a graduation, we always like to offer a dessert of strawberry shortcake, after the main meal. We also make a second smaller cake and offer the low calorie version to satisfy those on a low calorie diet. Quiet often, both cakes are eaten rather quickly and none is left over for the next day, especially when we have invited guests.

As long as you use the main ingredients of light cake, strawberries and whipped cream, there should be no limits on additional ingredients to make strawberry shortcake.

To read more Fresh Strawberries For A Strawberry Shortcake

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Buying Organic Wholesale To Reduce Your Organic Food Costs

Organic wholesale is an option when you are looking to purchase organic food at a reduced cost, than buying from a food store or a healthy food store. Many people complain about the relative high cost of organic food, but there are ways you can reduce your health food costs.

One option is to grow your own produce in your garden and use the produce to create meals with better nutrition and more natural flavours. More and more people are taking this option, to grow fresh, organic food to use in their cooking.

Maintaining a garden can be difficult, especially if the soil and climate conditions are extremely harsh.

But, there are solutions to almost every problem. For example, there may be an area in your yard with heavy clay soil. You can contact a local nursery for advice on how to change the composition of your soil.

If the climatic conditions are extreme, you can always arrange for the installation of a greenhouse in your backyard and grow all your organic produce inside a greenhouse.

Another option is to travel outside your town, where you will see signs outside farms, to buy local organic produce. For example, you may see a sign for organic oranges, freshly picked off the tree that morning. Unlike the oranges you buy at the store, which may have traveled in refrigerated transport over long distances and picked weeks or even months ago.

For those who do not have the time to look after their own garden, they can always purchase their organic food with organic wholesale.

To read more Buying Organic Wholesale To Reduce Your Organic Food Costs

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Enhancing Your Recipes With Potato Chips

Potato chips are popular on many dinner tables around the world. There are even shops selling only fish and chips and make a roaring trade. Your options are to make your own chips in the kitchen, buy frozen chips from the food store or buy cooked chips from the fish and chips shop.

I like to cook my own chips, starting with whole potatoes, slice them, add a few herbs like oregano, sprinkled with hot pepper powder and I have a delicious side serving of hot chips, placed next to the salad. You can even make a version of a potato salad using potato chips as your potatoes.

You can serve potato chips as savories at a dinner party. Some guests may be vegetarians and cannot eat the roast lamb, but may gravitate to a couple of bowls of hot chips, made much more delicious with herbs and spices.

The success of your party depends on appealing to the tastes of all your guests. This is why you need to place a number of bowls of delicious salads, with a little card, stating the content of the salad. Some people may be on a diet and cannot eat certain ingredients in food due to their diet guidelines, so you need to ensure you cater to their dietary requirements.

Potato chips are often, the most popular food in many parties and family gatherings.

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Expanding Your Variety Of Meals With Traditional Mexican Foods

Traditional Mexican foods are rather popular around my area. There are so many Mexican restaurants, and Mexican foods available in many food stores, that people are looking at ways to make their own Mexican meals using Mexican food ingredients. Many of the ingredients in Mexican food recipes are available in many food stores and are often rather inexpensive.

You can use simple ingredients like tomatoes, peppers, garlic and oregano in your Mexican dishes. Many of these ingredients can be grown in your own garden, in order to use garden fresh ingredients in your salads and meals. There is nothing more delicious, than adding freshly squeezed lemon juice on almost any salad, to make a bland salad much more exciting.

You can increase the variety of meals cooked in your kitchen, by using Mexican recipes to create delicious meals with ingredients that are easy to find in food stores and grow in your own garden.

A lot of these ingredients can also be grown in a greenhouse, to grow vegetables in climates where conditions are often harsh, like extreme weather and bad coil conditions. If you have heavy clay soil, you can seek advice from your local garden nursery, to improve the quality of your soil.

Keeping your own garden, can be hard work, but you are rewarded with fresh ingredients whenever you need them. You do not have to rush off to the store to buy some vegetables or herbs that were picked weeks ago. You can use garden fresh ingredients picked from your garden, on the same day.

As you can see there are many ways you can use fresh ingredients to make traditional mexican foods.

To read more Expanding Your Variety Of Meals With Traditional Mexican Foods

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