
Taking Action To Recover From Food Addiction

Food addiction may be the result of a need for an emotional escape or lifestyle challenges. For example, you may be addicted to a type of food and when you start eating that food you cannot stop. The food controls you, rather than you control how much you will eat.

One example, is a glass of wine with your dinner. Many medical experts agree, one glass of wine with your meal is good for your health. Drinking a bottle of whisky every morning is bad for your health and you need help.

Junk food is another form of addiction, where one may eat 3 or 4 burgers with lots of chips and a high sugar soft drink for their lunch. This meal is an example of bad nutrition and if you continue to have the same lunch every day with this amount of junk food, you will soon be overweight, have many health problems and may even become another statistic in the obese epidemic.

Taking another example, you may be addicted to eating 10 jam donuts a day. To many people, this may be an extreme example, but this happens when one is addicted to one type of food. Eating this much of one type of food, to the exclusion of vegetables and other healthy food, may lead to adverse health consequences.

Your first step is to visit your local medical doctor, who may refer you to a dietitian. The dietitian will help you change your food habits and widen the range of food you eat, so you do not eat too much of the same type of food. If the dietitian cannot solve your addiction then you may need to go back to your doctor and seek the help of a mental health expert, specializing in food problems.

There are many options for recovery from food addiction. But your first step, is to take action, to get your life back and do not let food control you.

To read more Taking Action To Recover From Food Addiction

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