
Decorated Eggs Given To Children By Easter Bunnies

Easter bunnies with decorated eggs and gifts, are an event many children across the world, look forward to, every year. It is an event, taking place around the Spring, when eggs are hidden away for the egg hunt, all over the house and in the backyard. Sometimes, the Easter egg hunt may go across the neighborhood and children are searching for Easter eggs all over the neighbourhood.

This is how I enjoyed Easter as a child and this is how my children enjoy Easter. We go to midnight mass on Saturday night and celebrate Resurrection Sunday with a feast after Sunday mass. After everyone celebrates with a feast, children are off to have the time of their lives with the egg hunt and winning prizes from the Easter bunnies.

Easter is a time of celebration, a time of renewal and a time for being together with my extended family.

I use the ideas I learned from my parents on my own children, although I hire Easter bunnies for Easter, as I do not have the gall to dress up as an Easter bunny, and use the same party organizers every year. They have a complete package where they supply all the Easter candy and other Easter gifts the children will earn as they go on an Easter egg hunt.

My children always enjoy finding decorated eggs and winning gifts from the Easter Bunnies.

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Easter Story With A Passion Play

If a Christian believer feels a need to deepen their faith, then this can often be accomplished through a re-enactment of the Easter story itself. Church tradition supplies different versions of these re-enactments.

Sometimes they take place within the church itself, sometimes they are private matters, and sometimes they are part of a much larger collective activity. Focusing on the story of Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection will help to incorporate that saving, freeing event more deeply into a believer's daily life.

Sometimes, to drive home the Easter story in a deeper way, people either go to observe a Passion Play or even participate in one. The members of a church may put on a play that re-enacts the events that led up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

But in some cases, such a play isn't put on by a single church but by an entire town or village. This is the case, for example, with the yearly Passion Play put on in Fazenda, Brazil, or in the town of Oberammergau in Germany.

People might take their Easter devotional attitude and apply it each day, with early morning Bible readings or prayers. They may apply those devotions to meditation on the Stations of the Cross, or their church might have created its own Stations at intervals around the walls of the building, to help the contemplations of the congregation.

As believers keep the works and life of the Easter story of Christ before their eyes day by day, their faith is deepened and these re-enactments, on whatever scale they occur, are a strengthening force in their lives.

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Easter Stories And Origins Of Easter

When you read the Easter stories about the Last Supper, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the triumphant resurrection on the third day, you may not think you're reading anything about an ancient fertility cult.

Yet the early church saw enough parallels between these stories and those of a dying and resurrecting god who revived the vegetation of the world that it deliberately made a connection between them. The origin of Easter, for the most part, lies in those ancient tales, far more than it does in the stories of Jesus.

This sort of death and resurrection, precursors to the Easter stories familiar to the church, was played out graphically in the Greek myth of Persephone. She was required to spend half the year in Hades, the Greek land of death, before returning to the living world for the rest of the year.

Her mother Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, had no heart to make crops flourish while her daughter was in the underworld. The crops only grew again when Persephone returned to life in the upper world. The correspondence between such stories of spring and the meaning of Easter in the church is pretty hard to miss.

Even the Jewish Passover, with which the Easter stories are intimately connected, occurs in the spring. There are so many spring festivals connected to a dying and resurrecting god that it was actually logical for the church to connect their own dying and resurrecting divinity to them.

The meaning of Easter, in the church's view, simply expanded and perhaps explained what those myths imperfectly signified. The church may not have managed to eliminate all the pagan fertility symbolism, but it likely succeeded beyond its wildest dreams as it appropriated those older cults.

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Easter Sunday On The Christian Calendar

The Easter bunny as a pagan fertility symbol? This animal may be portrayed as a frivolous, sometimes goofy character by the media, but it is indeed a remnant of the pagan fertility festivals that were inherited, and to some degree assimilated, by Easter Sunday, supposedly one of the most holy days on the Christian calendar.

There may be a Christian veneer over this celebration now, but the pagan symbols are just under the surface; a fact that can be quite disturbing to some Christians. Many believers actually entertain doubts about having any celebration at all of Easter Sunday or Easter in general.

It's well-known in certain circles that the church overlaid its own commemoration of the resurrection overtop of fertility festivals that already existed in the ancient cultures where it was trying to gain ground.

Some congregations today think that since the only element of Easter that actually relates to Jesus Christ is the Mass, or Holy Communion, the whole Easter celebration should be abandoned.

It's quite true that most traditions connected to Easter Sunday can't be found in the Bible story of Christ's death and resurrection. So should the celebration in general be abandoned?

In support of this idea, some argue that the event has actually caused more rancor than harmony in the church, citing divisive disputes over the proper dates of Easter as one example.

Yet it seems unlikely that the church will ever abandon this festival now. And you might view it as having taken those ancient pagan festivals and "sanctified" them, in the same way it claims to have taken sinful individuals and done the same.

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Decoration And Coloring Of Easter Eggs

It should not be surprising to discover that the decoration and coloring of Easter eggs didn't start with Easter itself, but seems to have existed as a practice long before that celebration came into being.

Eggs are linked to fertility, for obvious reasons, and have been used in and connected to fertility festivals apparently for millennia. As you look through ancient writings and archeological records that predate the origin of Easter, you see the egg appearing at moments that celebrate the fertility of the earth and the return of spring.

There were many similarities and connections between the ancient faith of Zoroastrianism and Judaism and later Christianity, and Easter eggs may be another connection. Zoroastrians began painting eggs for the New Year celebration about 2500 years ago in Persia, and their New Year happened to be the day of the spring equinox.

Judaism, too, uses an egg in its spring festival, the Passover Seder, although this hard-boiled egg is not painted. These are just two examples of eggs being involved in practices that probably became part of the history of Easter.

Over time, Easter eggs have been largely secularized, not always carrying a spiritual connotation. In Imperial Russia, the House of Faberge created stunning jeweled eggs, the miniatures to wear around the neck during Easter celebrations and larger, more intricate ones for lavish display.

Slavic cultures have turned eggs into canvases for brilliant and colorfully painted designs. Eggs began as pagan symbols, were adopted as Christian symbol Easter eggs, and now may have veered away again.

They still have some spiritual significance, but have largely become either works of art in their own right, or simply objects of fun for children.

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Easter Crosses Offer Hope And Faith

The meaning of Easter is inextricably tied to the symbol of the cross, and what was once a Roman instrument of torture and death has been transformed, as it has transcended its origins and become something entirely other.

Over the centuries it has turned into a symbol of hope and faith, as Christianity has lifted it up from its dark beginnings. Easter crosses hearken back to the moment when Christ made the supreme sacrifice, and all the world was said to have changed forever.

In the Indian Orthodox churches, Easter crosses are given a special role during this spring celebration. These churches believe they were founded by the Apostle Thomas when he journeyed to India, and their customs are often somewhat distinct from other branches of the church.

In a way, the crosses they use at Easter mimic the Christian Easter story itself. They begin their own story as Lent begins, when the crosses are set in the center of the church and covered by a veil.

Now the Easter crosses are carried around the church, and are used to touch and bless the people in the congregation. Then these crosses are put to rest until the Feast of Ascension, set on their heads in the sanctuary.

The people of the Indian Orthodox Church have a very intimate and powerful relationship with these crosses used in their Christian Easter ceremonies. They, perhaps more than the members of other churches, have exalted what once were instruments of torture and made them into personal symbols of beauty and redemption.

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Australian Wine Festivals

Early Australian wine production dates back to the 1791, when grapes were imported from Europe and wine was shipped back to the United Kingdom. Slowly but surely, Australian vineyards in New South Wales, Tasmania, Western Australia, Victoria and South Australia sprouted up.

The industry was furthered by the Land Selection Act, which freed up land that had been locked for gold rush mine development and the removal of trade barriers when the federation was established in 1901.

The industry experienced ups and downs during the world wars, due to space constraints, overproduction and changing British government rules, but by the 1950s, the industry was thriving, with South Australia leading the way. Australians have grown to love and appreciate wine even more over the years as their wineries gain international recognition.

The Australian wine export market totaled 2.8 billion dollars in 2007, with an annual growth of 9%. The biggest competition comes from California, France and Italy, which are still holding their own in the global market.

New marketing strategies have been targeting the upscale markets, since many view Australian brands as being a good wine to grab if it's being promoted. While Australia is often seen as a newcomer to the wine-making scene, its success, particularly in Shiraz production, is impressive.

One of the best times to experience Australian wine is to come during one of the Australian festivals. Every month, the Victorian Wine Regions feature a Showcase Series at Fed Square in Melbourne, which features wine from a particular region.

You can chat with winemakers and experts from the selected region and try different wineries all in one convenient location. If you come during January, then there's a Tasmanian Fruit Wine Festival.

Melbourne's Food and Wine Festival is in March and the Barossa Vintage Festival in April can't be beat! Brisbane has a nice Fine Wine Festival in July and the Hunter Valley has a "Jazz in the Vines" series in October. Lastly, the Margaret River Wine Region has a festival in November.

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Finding Easter Activities For Kids Online

Easter is, in the end, a festival of life, whether you regard it spiritually or with a more secular eye. This means that Easter activities for kids are available with either emphasis, and will always involve bright colors and a celebratory atmosphere.

Very often, Easter coincides with a break from school, and this is a great chance to get the kids energized creatively while they are relieved from the drudgery of school work. You may wonder, though, where exactly you're going to find enough Easter ideas to keep them interested.

All you need to do is a web search on Easter activities for kids, and countless possibilities will rise before your eyes. For example, a website called www.thekidzpage.com provides Easter coloring pages, but also has links to online games, clipart and even puzzles.

Those puzzles are especially interesting, because the brightly colored pieces can be moved around the screen with a mouse, and when the picture is completed, the site tells the child what a great job he or she did.

Because Easter is celebrated all over the world, teachers at school can also tailor Easter activities more as cultural learning opportunities than promoting any specific faith. They can study the origins of certain Easter customs, or use Easter pictures to teach how different symbols and objects are used in different cultures.

They might explain the origins of the Washington Easter Egg Roll. There are a multitude of possibilities for making this season both fun and meaningful, and giving the kids a great educational experience too.

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Eliminating Potentially Harmful Microorganisms With The Trojan UV Max Water Purifier Systems

If someone were to hand you a glass of unfiltered tap water and one from a water source that is filtered, then chances are good that you could tell the difference. The filtered water tastes just like bottled water. It is usually free of the chlorine taste.

But what you are not seeing is the microorganisms that are present. Filtered water does eliminate contaminants but it does not always get rid of the microorganisms that could be coming through your faucet. That is why a Trojan UV Max Water Purifier is such a good idea.

In order to know what the Trojan UV Max Water Purifier series does for you, you need to know what it eliminates and how it does this.

Through the use of UV (ultra violet) light the purifiers eliminate potentially harmful microorganisms, such as E.Coli, Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Those are three of the most commonly found microorganisms in tap water that often make people very ill.

The Trojan UV Max Water Purifier systems are great to consider because there are so many different models from which to choose. Each one has its own merits and its own price tag.

If money is an issue you may want to go with the Model A or B, which is cheaper than the more encompassing systems for your whole household. Any of them are quite easy to install and you will rest easier knowing that your family is drinking water that is clean and healthy for them.

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Fresh Water On Demand With The PUR DS-1800Z 2-Stage Water Dispenser

Hopefully by now you realize how important the Earth is and how every little thing that people can do to protect it is vital. That being said, there are still far too many people that buy bottled water.

Yes, you can recycle the plastic bottles but most people do not. And it is throwing money straight into the garbage can. The best and most environmentally friendly approach is to buy a water filtration system for your home. One of the bestselling is the PUR DS-1800Z 2-Stage Water Dispenser.

The PUR DS-1800Z 2-Stage Water Dispenser works on a very simple premise. It has a filtration system built into the dispenser that keeps your water free from contaminants such as lead, copper and zinc. So you get that fresh bottled water taste but without the waste of the plastic bottles.

The PUR DS-1800Z 2-Stage Water Dispenser is a great bargain. If you compare it to other water filtration systems that hook directly into your water line or to your faucet, then you will be impressed.

Granted it does not have the electronic systems that notify you when to change the filter but you are getting a great quality water filtration system that you can readily find online or in home improvement stores. You get great tasting water without plastic bottles.

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Clean Healthy Water With The M7 PurTest Water Purifier

It is easy to walk to the water faucet, turn it on, and get a glass of water to drink. It comes readily from the faucet provided you have paid your water bill. But have you given much thought about what is in your water.

It may look clean and clear but there are microorganisms living in most water systems that people do not realize. Even if your city follows water treatment standards there is a lot of difference between what they consider safe and what you would.

That is why water filtration and purification systems are so popular. The M7 PurTest Water Purifier is the ultimate way to get clean, healthy water for your family.

Before you look at the price of the M7 PurTest Water Purifier you need a word of warning. The price is a bit more than the average filter.

It is $1,400.00, which is quite a bit of money. But you have to consider how advanced this system is and how much you get for your money. In the end it does balance out to being really competitive with other systems.

Do you want a glass of water from your faucet that you know does not contain any contaminants or microorganisms? If so then the M7 PurTest Water Purifier can do this for you.

You can test the water before and after the system is installed and you will be impressed. The price tag will not seem as important once you see the results for yourself.

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Hot And Cold Filtered Water With The InSinkErator SST-FLTR 2/3-Gallon Stainless Tank And Filtration System

No two households are exactly the same in their water needs. One household may opt for a cold water filtration system that they keep in their refrigerator. These are usually the pitcher varieties. Others prefer having a faucet filtration system. Those are all well and good and meet some needs.

But what about those households that want a water filtration system that delivers hot water instantly? That particular need can be met with the InSinkErator SST-FLTR 2/3-Gallon Stainless Tank and Filtration System. It is the top of the line.

One of the first questions many have is why they need a water filtration system that can deliver near boiling water. The answer is very simple. It saves time and money.

Instead of either heating the water from a pitcher filtration system or waiting for the hot water to come through the faucet mounted systems, the InSinkErator SST-FLTR 2/3-Gallon Stainless Tank and Filtration System has it right there waiting for you.

For the most part customers seem to really like the InSinkErator SST-FLTR 2/3-Gallon Stainless Tank and Filtration System. The most common concerns dealt with installation. It is highly advised that you get a professional to install the system.

If you try to install it yourself and break it, the warranty may not cover it. So unless you are extremely handy with appliances or are a professional plumber, you may want to hire someone else to come in and install the system.

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Clean Cooking And Drinking Water With A Culligan FM-15A Faucet Filter

Ordinary tap water can taste terrible. It can dramatically change the taste of soup, tea, coffee and even pasta. But most people do not want to have to buy bottled water for their drinking and cooking needs.

There has to be a better solution! But wait...there is. The Culligan FM-15A Faucet Filter is a water filtration system that hooks up to your faucet and is a perfect solution for your cooking and drinking needs. It saves you money in the long run because you are not buying bottled water. It is easy to use and very affordable.

The Culligan FM-15A Faucet Filter is a great water filtration system for those families and individuals who want filtered water but do not want to have to deal with pitcher systems or the more expensive systems that hook directly into your water supply.

You do not have to refill it and it is incredibly easy to operate. You also do not have to worry about changing filters often. That is a real savings bonus.

Though the Culligan FM-15A Faucet Filter is a bit vague in its product description and its abilities, it is probably the better suited water filtration system for those who use a lot of water and want it to have a better taste.

It may not remove all the impurities that pitcher systems do but it still does a good job. You will definitely notice the difference in taste between your ordinary tap water and the water that comes through this filtration system.

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Irish Eyes Will Be Smiling On St. Patrick's Day 2010

According to the history of Ireland, St. Patrick didn't bring Christianity to the country, nor did he drive the snakes out of Ireland. So why is St Patrick important? Some will celebrate St. Patrick's Day 2010 in gratitude for this patron saint's evangelization of God's word throughout Northern Ireland.

Others will celebrate because they're proud to be Irish or simply appreciate this excuse to partake in Irish festivities. Between parades, musical performances, special dinners and festivals, there are many ways to celebrate.

It just wouldn't be St. Patrick's Day 2010 without a parade! The nation's most celebrated parades happen in Boston, Holyoke, Chicago, New York City and Scranton. Syracuse, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Buffalo and St. Louis also offer noteworthy street festivals and parading.

Many parade routes will literally paint the streets green as throngs of floats, Irish dancers, musicians, social clubs, politicians and civil service members march. Some travelers even head to the motherland for five days of Dublin festivals.

If your city isn't blessed with its own parade, then never fear as the Chicago St. Patty's Day parade is always broadcast on WGN, and the New York St. Patrick's Day parade is broadcast on NBC.

St. Patrick's Day 2010 is a wild celebration in America. "Traditionally in Ireland, the feast of St. Patrick is a celebration of the Christianization of Ireland," explains Irish native Ninian Mellamphy, a professor of English in Canada.

He adds that this feasting day was always "a quiet celebration of our culture," with "no sense of the carnival." The parties truly began in America, where homesick immigrants sought to hang onto anything that reminded them of home.

Experts say the Blarney Stone, corned beef and cabbage, and green beer are all cheap "Americanized" ways of celebrating. However, others say that there's no problem with these traditions because the Irish have fully assimilated into American culture, without losing touch with their origins.

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The Most Celebrated Saints of Ireland

In the Church of Ireland, the people do not pray to the saints of Ireland but rather, with the saints. Irish traditions hold that people worship God alone, but there is a consciousness about the connection with those who have departed and are now with God in heaven.

The Church feels it is important to observe saint days and talk about Irish folklore because it gives Christians many examples of holiness to follow. The communion of saints remains a very important aspect of the Christian faith today, as we celebrate saints like Patrick, Columba and Brigid.

Saint Brendan of Clonfert isn't a patron saint, but he is still one of the most popular saints of Ireland. He's known as "the patron saint of emigrants, travelers, boatmen, sailors and mariners," known for his famous seven-year voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to Terra Repromissions, "the promised land of the Saints."

Despite this popular tale in Irish history, the exact coordinates of Terra Repromissions are unknown, but it's said they found a paradise rich with green vegetation and precious gems. His feast day is celebrated on May 16th.

There are three patron saints of Ireland; Patrick, Brigid and Columba. Though Columba got off to a rough start as an Irish exile, he is credited with converting the Picts tribe of Scotland to Christianity.

During his sea travels, Irish folklore has it that Columba ran into the Loch Ness monster that killed one boatman but was ordered away by Columba, much to the amazement of his kinsmen. His impressive shrine in Iona, Scotland has become a place of pilgrimage and he is commemorated with a feast day on June 9th.

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Celebrating Irish Culture With The 2010 Saint Patricks Day Parades

According to the most recent U.S. census, there are 34 million Americans of Irish descent, which is nine times the population of Ireland. Irish influences can be seen all across America, with towns and cities named Mount Gay-Shamrock (West Virginia), Shamrock Lakes (Indiana), Shamrock (Oklahoma), Shamrock (Texas), Dublin (California) and Dublin (Ohio).

Statistically speaking, Irish people comprise a quarter of the population in Massachusetts and the vast majority of the populace in New England states like Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and Massachusetts.

New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Seattle also have large numbers of Irish descendents. As you can imagine, the story of St Patrick is not lost on the American people and there will be many large 2010 Saint Patricks Day parades and celebrations.

Savannah, Georgia is also one of the top cities for 2010 Saint Patricks Day parades in America. Savannah's Historic District parade route attracts 400,000 people each year, who gather to enjoy weekend festivals with Celtic music, games, competitions, food and drinks.

The city fountains are dyed green several days before the parade, women spectators kiss Armed Forces Units and people run down River and Bay streets with open containers, as is customary. While you're in town, you'll enjoy sampling Irish whiskey at Murphy's Law Irish Pub.

Seattle, Washington boasts one of the best 2010 Saint Patricks Day parades and is "one of five places to get your green on," according to CNN. You can expect 20,000 spectators along the one-mile parade route.

Festival goers paint the streets green and attend dinners, Irish soda bread baking contests, masses for peace and an Irish Week Festival, which includes dancing, food and historical exhibits.

Other important cities for your consideration include Scranton (PA), Philadelphia (PA), New Orleans (LA), Las Vegas (NV), San Francisco (CA), Syracuse (NY) and Chicago (IL).

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