
Planning With Beach Ideas For Christmas Parties

It is only natural to think about cold weather when you think about Christmas; after all Santa lives at the North Pole. However, if you are looking for some good ideas for Christmas parties, then why consider a tropical Christmas party?

You know, think beach! For your party invitations you can do something like sending a message in a bottle with all of the party details. For the party decorations consider a tree skirt with a Hawaiian or Polynesian print. If you are unable to find one, then use plain white felt and decorate it with palm trees or shells.

If you need ideas for Christmas parties for kids, then consider having a Candy Land Christmas with candy cane and lollipop party decorations. The lollipops can be made by cutting out large circles and covering them with colored plastic wrap, attaching them to dowels and placing them around the yard and house.

Consider taking gumdrops and stringing them together to use as garland on the tree or other decorations for the party. A cute idea for each party invitation is to write the details on a piece of paper, roll it up like a scroll, cover it with colored plastic wrap, twist the ends and tie them with colorful ribbon or yarn.

Naturally, there are many other ideas for Christmas parties, such as a Winter Wonderland theme with white twinkling lights and fake snow as part of your decorations.

Another festive party theme could be decorating with Gingerbread people; with a little imagination you are sure to come up with many more ideas.

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Entertaining Your Family With Christmas Ideas

For those people who live in a warm climate, new and unique Christmas ideas may be difficult to come up with. In that case, there are some Christmas holiday party ideas that may work well to shake things up a bit if you want to try something different.

For instance, snow in the warmer climates is not a possibility, so you may want to consider creating a kind of snowy and cold Christmas.

A few Christmas ideas for making snow include taking a big piece of styrofoam and using a sharp paring knife to shave off some fluffy "bits" that you can put on your tree. Or you can combine 2/3 cups of liquid starch, 2 cups of soap flakes (you can make your own using a cheese grater and bar soap) and 3 tablespoons of water.

Combine the starch and the flakes, then add the water while blending with a beater. Once totally blended, you simply paint the mixture onto the tree branches.

One Christmas party game idea is to have snowball fights. Of course since it can't be real ones you can make your snowballs by wrapping several marshmallows together in plastic wrap and tying it closed or something similar.

There are many other Christmas ideas that you can use in a warm weather climate, just use your imagination.

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Thanksgiving Day Tradition With Ideal Gifts For Family Members

Consider starting a new Thanksgiving Day tradition by preparing a special, home made treat for the festivities, which can be given as a gift to the host or hostess.

If you need an idea for a gift for the family member or friend who is going to be preparing the Thanksgiving Day feast this year, then why not create an edible treat of some type to be served at dinner?

Fruit baskets are another idea for a great Thanksgiving gift; you can include the normal apples and oranges or opt for something more unique like different types of out-of-season berries.

Or if you do decide on apples, include some caramel for dipping, for strawberries add chocolate or anything along those lines, making it a new Thanksgiving Day tradition. If you decide on oranges, you could include little packages of spiced cider, and orange slices can be used as a garnish once it has been mixed.

Being edible is not a prerequisite for creating perfect Thanksgiving gifts; giving anything that you have made yourself is considered extremely thoughtful and is sure to be enjoyed by the recipient.

If you have a flower or vegetable garden, you can always create a beautiful centerpiece using the products of your labor; something that just may become a new family Thanksgiving Day tradition.

Even if you do not have your own garden, just stop by a florist or a farmers market and pick out several items that represent the Thanksgiving holiday and create a unique and memorable gift for the host.

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Better Family Entertainment With Thanksgiving Games

If you are looking for a way to pass the time while waiting for guests to arrive and sitting down to your traditional Thanksgiving dinner, why not start a new family tradition by playing some Thanksgiving games or doing some crafts?

While most families do have traditions that they observe at Thanksgiving you can always shake things up by playing a game or two.

A good way to incorporate Thanksgiving crafts into your day is to use them in preparation for some Thanksgiving games. For example, here is a good one for kids.

Have them find and cut out pictures of turkeys from magazines, or they can draw their own, and then stick them on several different index cards. On Thanksgiving Day have everyone leave the room and then hide the cards, then have the kids come back in and go turkey hunting; the one that finds the most cards wins.

There are so many different Thanksgiving games that you can play but one for the whole family is always a good choice.

For this one have everyone sit around in a circle and the first person will start with something like, "the Thanksgiving food I like the most is turkey" and the next person repeats what they said and adds their own item.

It continues around, yet if someone says it incorrectly they are out. The game ends when one person is finally able to state the whole Thanksgiving menu perfectly.

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Celebrating Family Traditions With Thanksgiving Turkey

Cooking a Thanksgiving turkey is one of the traditions that many people observe when they serve dinner on this holiday. In the United States, there are a few different reasons as to why the tradition of turkey has endured.

Some believe it was because Americans preferred using large birds when they had a crowd to feed, and because turkeys were fresh and affordable. Of course, another reason was that they could be slaughtered without the farmer having to endure a big economical setback.

Both ham and brined pork were available but many felt that pork was not fitting for such a feast and Thanksgiving Day prayers. Feasting on a Thanksgiving turkey was a better choice, and it was in keeping with the British custom that was introduced to the new world by the early settlers.

The turkey seemed to be the best bet also because the chicks born in the spring would have several months to grow and fatten up before taking the place of honor at the traditional Thanksgiving Day dinner.

By the time Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863, the Thanksgiving turkey was already at center stage, and for most it was already a family tradition.

There are even some who believe that due to the popularity of "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens", showing a newly transformed Scrooge giving the gift of the holiday turkey to the Cratchit family, the bird's status as the center of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday feasts was forever cemented.

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Families Celebrating Traditions Of Thanksgiving

While most families have their own Thanksgiving traditions, there are still some elements of the traditions of Thanksgiving that are similar all across the nation.

As the celebrations begin it can add a little extra warmth to the season if you remember those holidays spent with loved ones in the past and also incorporate some of traditions of your ancestors, which will make it that much better.

Celebrating the plentiful harvest was the original concept of the North American Thanksgiving, but it goes back even further to the 5th century when the use of cornucopias was considered a symbol of fertility, food and abundance.

It is obvious that certain celebrations are key to our traditions of Thanksgiving even today, even though they are not exact expressions of the traditions of our ancestors. Yet our current celebrations do reflect those customs and have continued to evolve over the centuries.

During the 20th century manufacturers began making commercialized items to be used as Thanksgiving decorations, such as little dishes and whatnots in the traditional Thanksgiving shape of a turkey.

Next came the personalized name place holders and elaborate centerpieces during the 1920's, followed by paper goods with Thanksgiving designs in the 40's and 50's.

While there has been an increase in the number and variances in the items used as decorations, you can choose to decorate your home anyway you wish in order to keep or compliment your own traditions of Thanksgiving.

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Knowing More About Thanksgiving Family Traditions

The Thanksgiving holiday is full of family traditions, like preparing a big Thanksgiving Day feast and all of the trimmings, using a special table cloth, silverware and dishes, drawing names for Christmas presents, or getting the kids involved in games. However, according to a few surveys, there are some traditions that are more popular than others.

Next in the line of family traditions is football. Some celebrate it by tossing around the ball in a family game while others simply enjoy watching the game on television. It began on Thanksgiving Day in 1876, with the first intercollegiate championship game being played and has become as popular as the traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

It has even been said that Thanksgiving was declared a holiday just so that Americans could sit around and watch the game together.

You probably already have certain family traditions that you observe at Thanksgiving, yet you can still come up with new ways of celebrating and starting your own, unique family customs.

Remember that it does not have to be anything elaborate, as long as it celebrates the spirit of sharing and giving thanks for your blessings in life.

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Sharing Your New Thanksgiving Traditions With Someone Without Family

Thanksgiving is actually celebrated in many different ways around the world, although it is known by different names. In Israel they celebrate Succoth.

The Moon Festival is the name for the celebrations in the Far East, and in South India it is known as Pongal. While many families celebrate with a traditional turkey dinner, there is no reason why new Thanksgiving traditions cannot be added to the time honored Thanksgiving customs.

If looking for new Thanksgiving traditions, then try putting your turkey into the oven to roast early in the morning and then getting everyone up to watch the famous Macy's Thanksgiving parade.

Your mouth will be watering with all of the wonderful aroma's filling the house and you can run to the kitchen to baste the turkey during the breaks.

New Thanksgiving traditions can be anything that you and your family want them to be, and one idea is to expand on the already existing theme of sharing. Not everyone is fortunate to have family near them, or even have any family at all.

So consider inviting someone to share your Thanksgiving if you know that they will be alone. Show just exactly what Thanksgiving is all about to your children. Invite someone without family to celebrate with into your home; someone who may otherwise spend this holiday in sadness and solitude.

Perhaps this is one tradition that you can instill in your children and they will pass this important message on to their children as well.

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The Many Ways Of Celebrating Thanksgiving

There are numerous ways of celebrating Thanksgiving and one way to see the differences is to look at the way other countries celebrate. An American Thanksgiving typically means staying inside to keep warm, cooking a huge feast and watching football.

Plentiful crops are represented by a cornucopia table centerpiece that spills over with the fruits of the harvest, and people decorate their homes with colorful pumpkins and squashes.

In Israel they celebrate Sukkoth and instead of staying indoors they build a shelter and head outside for the holiday, while commemorating the 40 years that the Israelites spent wandering the desert.

Of course there are other ways of celebrating Thanksgiving and expressing the true holiday spirit of sharing as well, and that is by donating time at a soup kitchen. Thanksgiving is understandably one of the busiest times at a soup kitchen and it can be one of the perfect Thanksgiving activities in which the whole family can participate.

Why not make up a few trays of snacks and goodies and distribute them to the police stations, fire stations or hospitals in your area as a way of celebrating Thanksgiving and sharing with your community.

Or you can make a few plates and take them to a retirement home, or perhaps an orphanage or a shelter for abused woman, anywhere where there are people who may be alone, without their family members to celebrate with. It would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanksgiving Gift Basket For A Day To Remember

Thanksgiving gift basket is an ideal and thoughtful gift to give to family and closest friends, being together at this special time of the year. Even though Thanksgiving is only a few weeks before Christmas, there are times when some family members cannot all be together for Christmas and may come to celebrate the festive season for the Thanksgiving holidays.

Some families, like to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, to bring everyone together to the one location. They may even arrange for Thanksgiving to be in one location and Christmas Day in another location.

You can buy a thanksgiving gift basket online or look at what is available in many stores. I like to see the product infront of me before I hand over my money. So I buy all my gift baskets from my favourite stores, even though I may be paying a couple of dollars more, rather than taking advantage of online specials.

I want to keep my peace of mind, knowing I will be buying exactly what I want for my friends and family.

I have heard stories from friends who have bought a gift online, and were disappointed with what they received. Unless you develop a relationship with a website, and you know they are reliable, then you can continue shopping online.

Spending time together with family and friends, giving and receiving gifts, helps to make the day much more enjoyable when giving out a custom made thanksgiving gift basket.

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Finding Cheaper Alternative Ingredients For Cheap Healthy Recipes

Cheap healthy recipes can be made with cheaper alternative ingredients. In these days of people losing their jobs in their millions, many people are looking for better ways to stretch the dollar further and still eat healthy and delicious food. This is still possible, when switching expensive food ingredients with cheaper alternatives and buying food in bulk.

You can buy food like staples in bulk, much cheaper than when buying individual items. For example when buying rice, wholemeal pasta and other staples, always buy in large quantities to last a long time. You can use these staples, as a basis for many healthy and nutritious recipes.

You can also look for alternative and cheaper food items than your favourite more expensive choices. For example, when buying your favourite choice of steak, you may notice the price has increased over the last year. A good idea, is to look for cheaper meat in the meat section of the food store, to use as an alternative to the more expensive meat.

Another way to save on your shopping budget, is to go to the food store less often. Write a list of the food you need, before you leave home and buy only those items.

Do not buy food you will not eat and watch it rot away, just because it was available on a discount price. Quite often, the reason an item is on a discount price, is because no one is buying it, the warehouse is full and the stock needs to be sold.

Buying food only once or twice a month, and buying in bulk will save you plenty of money in these tough economic times. You can still buy quality food with the best nutrition, you just need to find cheaper alternatives to use with your cheap healthy recipes.

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Better Tips And Ideas For Holiday Gift Baskets

Holiday gift baskets should always include the best gift ideas to suit the preferences of the recipient of your gift. There are many ways you can make a gift interesting and unpredictable.

If the recipient of your gift is a guy, then you may not want to give him what every one else will give him on Christmas Day like a bottle of cheap after shave. You should make an effort to find out what he really wants for Christmas, and then include it in your gift basket.

The same thought should be given for any recipient. I have received gifts that I have never used from people that do not know me very well and looks like they did not make the effort to find out what I really wanted as a gift. Those that did make the effort, I was pleasantly surprised.

My husband knows I love chocolate covered strawberries for Valentines Day. Every year, he surprises me with a box of my most favourite delicacies. He does not tell me he is about to buy them for me, but he never ceases to surprise me when he presents me with my most favourite gift. Even though we have been married for a few years now, he still buys me the best and most pleasant Valentines present.

There are times when you may not know their preferences, so you need to make discreet enquiries without letting the cat out of the bag. For example, you can ask general questions about favourite food choices and then include those in the gift basket.

Making the effort to make a custom gift basket, shows the effort you have gone to please the receiver of your gift. Rather than giving the same dull gift as everyone else has given, you have instead given a thoughtful gift that will surprise the recipient.

After all, the best surprises always make the best holiday gift baskets.

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Eating Better Food To Increase Metabolism

Increase metabolism by eating the right foods and exercising daily. This does not mean you only eat carrots and celery sticks and spend hours in the gym every day. But it does mean that you can make adjustments to the food you eat and increase exercise over a period of time. Making these changes will help reduce your body weight and improve your health and fitness.

You can start by looking at the food you cook in your kitchen. If you like cooking with high calorie foods, then look for low calorie alternative ingredients. For example, rather than adding a high calorie salad dressing to a salad, use a low calorie salad dressing instead. Another popular cooking ingredient is tomato sauce which is also high in calories. There is a low calorie tomato sauce available in food stores and health food shops.

Taking part in a low calorie diet, means you are eating less calories and therefore less calories need to be burned. You can look at your food and see if you can find alternatives that will help reduce your weight.

For example, if you like eating chicken, then remove the skin. Most of the fat in chicken meat is in the skin. You can buy skinless chicken at many butchers and food stores, or remove the skin before you cook chicken.

The same with beef and lamb steaks. Before you cook, remove all the fat and you will have fat free meat. You can also buy lamb and beef with the fat already removed, although the prices are slightly higher, it means less time in your kitchen preparing meat for cooking.

Losing weight and eating the right foods can help to increase metabolism.

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How To Cook A Quick 30 Minute Meal

30 minute meal is easy to prepare when you have all the ingredients lined up and ready to cook.

The secret to your success is to use easy and quick recipes, with ingredients always available in your kitchen. For example, depending on your food choices, you should always have some meat, vegetables, herbs and seasonings.

Once you arrive home, you are exhausted and do not want to spend two long hours in the kitchen, preparing your ingredients and cooking. You want to serve your family a delicious and nutritious meal, every night.

Especially when you have been told that guests will be arriving in an hour or so and you have nothing cooked. This is your opportunity to cook the 30 minute meal. If you follow the recipe, you should have the meal prepared, cooked and ready for serving within 30 minutes.

Many of the ingredients can be changed, and improved. For example if you want a low fat meal, you can remove the skin from the chicken or buy skinless chicken breasts from the food store. There are also low calorie tomato paste, to use in a low fat meal.

This is the kind of delicious meal, you can make to cook and place on your table within 30 minutes. You can cook for one or the whole family and guests.

These are the times when you want to make a 30 minute meal.

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Increasing Your Variety With A Carrot Salad Recipe

Carrot salad recipe is rather popular in my household. Every time I cook a meal, I like to place a side salad, which almost always includes carrots. A salad helps to make the meal much more enjoyable, letting you enjoy the variety of flavours and tastes, making the overall meal much more edible, especially if the meal contains chicken, roast lamb or turkey.

Carrots contain many useful nutrients and make an ideal addition to any home cooked meal. There are many ways you can cook carrots. They can be shredded, boiled in a stew and added as cut pieces to roasted meat.

I always buy a couple of bagfuls, every time I visit the store. They are always delicious and do not taste as if they have been treated with any chemicals, as they are organic carrots.

There was a time when I stopped buying carrots, because they would smell rather odd, as if they had been treated with some strange chemicals. But when I saw organic carrots at the health food store, I put them against my nose and did not smell any chemicals, so I bought a small number of them for my salads.

I felt like a child with a new toy. I decided to start using carrots in my cooking and salads immediately. They tasted rather delicious and seem to have added more natural flavours and introduced a rather new taste to my salads.

I now seem to add organic carrots to almost all my salads, these days.

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