
Food Packaging And All That Goes To Waste

Food packaging is on so many food products these days. You go to the grocery store and almost everything is covered in plastic or in tins. You cannot buy just one grocery item, you have to buy three of the same food product wrapped in plastic food packaging. This is the reason the garbage bin fills up so quickly, with all the food packaging taking up so much space as garbage.

Some of the supermarkets have finally started to shift towards displaying some products without food packaging, especially the fruit and vegetables. So you can pick a number of fruit and place them in a paper bag and bring them home.

I have now ceased buying fruit and vegetables from the grocery store, as I have expanded my garden to include more organic fruit and vegetables. I have also planted miniature fruit trees all around the yard to fulfil the family needs for fruit.

So now if we need some lemons, we go to the lemon tree and pick them fresh off the branch. If we need some tomatoes to make a sauce, then we go and pick the tomatoes from our tomato plants in our garden. No need for a plastic sauce bottle, or plastic bags to carry the tomatoes from the store.

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Food Additives In Our Everyday Food

Food additives are in a lot of the food we eat. Some additives are artificial chemical additives, while others are natural ingredients like salt and vinegar. Some additives are used as preservatives, others are used as coloring or to add flavor to the food.

Most of the additives in our food do no harm, except if you have an allergy to the food additives. Some people cannot eat foods high in carbohydrates for health reasons, other people cannot eat food that contain nuts as an ingredient. These people need to read the nutritional information on the food product to ensure they do not suffer an adverse health reaction.

I have seen labels on food products stating the products contains nuts or traces of nuts, as a warning to those with allergies to nuts. Before you buy any food product, if you know you have an allergy to certain additives or food ingredients, always read the nutritional information to confirm it is safe for you to consume. If you any doubts, then do not buy the product.

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Christmas Gift Idea For A Whole Family

Christmas gift idea for family can be the most useful gift for the entire family. Most people buy shirts, after shaves, alcohol and other gifts for individual family members. These gifts are not used by an entire family. You need to buy a gift that will please the whole family.

For example, a gift certificate for online groceries, will benefit the whole family. They do not need to travel all the way to the grocery store to buy the groceries anymore when they can order their groceries online, morning, noon or night, 24/7.

You may notice some of the family kitchen appliances are playing up, the cutlery may be worn out and need replacing. There may be a need for a new dishwasher, a new cutlery set, a crock pot, new pans. All these practical gifts make an ideal Christmas gift idea for family.

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Fishing Lakes With Clean Healthy Fish

Fishing lakes are all around the world, but the number with clean healthy fish in them, are fast disappearing. Quite often, you go fishing in a lake and you can see the pollution floating on the surface, garbage everywhere. Then you wonder how fish can survive in such awful conditions.

This why I am hesitant to eat fish caught in fishing lakes. The fish may contain all the poisons present in the lake. They main contain mercury, lead, PCBs and all the other pollutants released into the lake by our industrial society.

We need to change the way we release hazardous chemicals into lakes, rivers and the sea. Maybe, the solution is not to produce these poisons in the first place. If the pollutants are not produced, then we will not need to find a place to hide them in our fishing lakes.

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Fish Farms And The Best Seafood

Fish farms stock fish that may be grown in artificial, crowded conditions. These type of fish are not as tasty as fish grown in the natural environment. I did not realize seafood can be so delicious, until I started eating only genuine ocean fish.

If you go to a local river, there is no guarantee that the fish you are catching was not originally grown on a fish farm and then released to stock up the river with fish. A lot of the fish grown on fish farms, may not be native to the local area, so if you know your native fish that grow naturally in the river, then you will know the fish to add to your catch and the fish to avoid.

I know I am not the only one who does not like factory farmed meat or fish from a fish farm. This is why some people have given up on buying fish from seafood stores, as a lot of the fish in those stores are from fish farms.

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Filet Mignon Is The Supreme Cut Of Beef

Filet mignon steak is a cut of beef taken from the tenderloin of cattle. The tenderloin runs along the spine of cattle and is often sold as two long snake shaped cuts of beef. The short end of the tenderloin is cut into portions before cooking. These portions are known as filet mignon.

The filet mignon is the most tender cut of beef and can be the most expensive. It is popular in restaurants all over the world. One of the reasons for its popularity is the supreme taste and the lack of bones.

It can also be served in the family home on special family events. You do not expect to have filet mignon steak every week, because it can blow out the family shopping budget, as the steak can be rather expensive.

This is why we like to have filet mignon steaks on special family occasions, when the whole family, including wives and children, can get together and enjoy organic grain fed filet mignon.

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Low Carb Cooking For A Delicious Meal

Low carb cooking is for those people who need to cut down on the intake of carbohydrates. They may have taken medical advice to eat less foods rich in carbohydrates, or just want to reduce the level of carbohydrates in their food.

If you wish to ensure you are cooking with low carb ingredients, then read the nutritional information on each of the ingredients before you make your meal. If you like eating food that is normally high in carbohydrates, then find out if there is a low carb version.

For example, a lot of people like eating cheesecake, but it is high in carbohydrates. There is a recipe for a low carb cheesecake. All you have to do is follow the recipe and you will enjoy your piece of delicious low carb cheesecake.

Sticking to low carb foods may be perfect for your health and wellbeing.

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Potato Salad For A Picnic In The Park

Potato salad is quite popular for picnics, lunches and other family occasions. There are a number of potato salad recipes, but the most popular is the one with white potatoes, mayonnaise and onions. Some of those on low carb diets, replace the white potatoes with cauliflower.

Then it becomes a cauliflower salad which is just as delicious. I like to alternate between the two as I am not on a low carb diet but I love the taste of cauliflower. I usually do not add mayonnaise and replace it with olive oil, as I find the taste is a lot better.

I like taking potato salad to work and eat it during my lunch break. It is a simple food. With the recipe I use, I include olive oil instead of mayonnaise with pieces of vegetables, including lettuce, tomatoes and herbs. I do not add onions, as I do not want to smell of onions while I am at work. But if I am to eat a potato salad at home or at a picnic, I always add some spring onions.

You can buy ready made potato salad from the gourmet food store or you can make it yourself. There are times, when you are late from work and you want something tasty that will fill you up, then you can go to the gourmet food store and order a potato salad.

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Fruit Cake Is Best With Fresh Ingredients

Fruit cake can be a delicious cake depending on the ingredients. If the cake includes fresh fruit with a little flavour by adding brandy, coffee or cream, then you have a delicious fruit cake.

The secret to your success is fresh fruit. I pick my own fruit from my miniature fruit trees. I know if I pick my own fruit, they are fresh. If I buy fruit from the food store, I do not know how many days, weeks or months they have been in refrigerated storage, or in transit to the store. Losing a lot of their natural flavours in the meantime.

I did not realise how good fruit tasted until I planted my own miniature fruit trees in the backyard and started eating fresh fruit off the branch. I suddenly realised there was a natural taste and a delicious flavour when the fruit are fresh, off the branch.

This is why I now use fresh fruit in my fruit cakes.

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Steak House For A Delicious Steak

Steak house is where you order a delicious juicy steak. Cooked just the way you request or made according to the favourite recipe of the chef.

You may not eat too much meat during the year, especially if you are trying to control your weight, but the few times you can visit a steak house, you can give yourself a treat to a delicious steak.

A steak tastes so much better when you only eat meat a few times a year. Sometimes you may forget the taste of well cooked meat, and when you see it cooked the right way, you suddenly realise what you have been missing.

But there is a secret to enjoying meat. The secret, is to eat meat on a small number of times during the year and you will enjoy your meat, so much more. Just like you should only drink in moderation, you should eat meat in moderation. Especially if you are on a diet.

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